Thursday, July 20, 2023

Idiocracy... Proving To Be A Documentary....










  1. Sad, but true!!!!

  2. Idiocracy stopped being a movie to became prophacy.

    1. You're certainly right. How did this ever make it to the big screen, with everyone running interference for the truth?

  3. Favorite of mine...
    The movie, not reality!

  4. I have a tough time laughing at this movie anymore.

  5. Is it a real movie?

    1. Yes. I first saw it about ten years ago.
      "Drink Brawndo! -it has enzymes!"

    2. *electrolytes

  6. Welcome to Costco I Love YouJuly 20, 2023 at 5:14 PM

    If you play it for a stupid person, they get mad.
    Mike Judge saw what was coming even if he dropped the ball during the COV-LARP.

  7. The only thing they were wrong on was how long it would take and the bar code tats.

  8. I see utter stupidity every day. Yet another firm trying to do business on line with a web site that doesnt work. It again, as it has in the past, told me that my totally self managed stock trading account was corporate managed and I could not make a trade. I can call and talk to an idiot who doesnt speak English and upper management calls this "customer service" and are serious. A very long list of other attempts to do business on line with sites that either didnt work or were complicated beyond belief. Although I dislike Bezos and dislike doing business with Amazon their web sites are simple and always work.
    Look at the utter buffoons in congress for another example. Note the Squad.
    College professors were bozos 15 years ago and I have to assume they are worse today.
    Main stream media...
    The View
    Democrat voters

  9. Isn't it funny that, in the movie, the average IQ of a future white person is 82. That is still higher than a Spic or an Americanized North American Pavement Ape today!


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