Tuesday, June 13, 2023

This Video is Courtesy of the CVMA according to the stamp on the video..


 this was posted on twitter and it wouldn't allow embedding. "They" are afraid of this.


 CVMA <<



 Some data says there are 18-20 million US Veterans.




  1. yeah, I do know a few guys who ride with them. Marines. but hey, they are good guys ! almost all of them are combat
    vets too. there is branch down in Altoona, PA. there are a lot of vets in this area. and a whole lot of them are pissed
    at the "system". most of them still hunt, and met a few of them at the local sportsman's club.
    and if you ask one of them if they own any guns, they smile at you. so, yeah. the clowns in power should be worried about them. the local raffle does put 50 caliber rifles up every year here,,,,
    make of that what you will, but I think there maybe a lot of those rifles around here.
    raffle tickets are 20 bucks a shot and the list of goodies is long and GOOD !
    I have not won anything yet. I think GOD hates me. dave in pa.

    1. yeah, I know. I buy 2 tickets every year. one year I bought 5- sold something and made a little money off it, so
      I figured I might have a shot. didn't happen. dave in pa.
      but there are a lot of raffles around here and they all list weapons or cash as prizes

  2. And most of us are armed with more capable semi-automatic weapons than the 3-round burst and full auto weapons we were issued when we were on active duty,

  3. I was just watching American experience on PBS about the Randy Weaver saga. When the fed bois were being interviewed in the beginning, not a damn one admitted, they told not the truth about what happened. The only opposing interview was Weaver‘s daughter. The fact remains they shot his son Sam in the back and Lon Horiuchi killed his wife. I had to turn the bullshit off and come out and sit by the fire. Then I see this video you’re damn right they’re scared of the veterans as they should be.

  4. You don't have to be a veteran to love this country.

  5. Shawn at Scattered Shots cross-posted a thought-provoking article on the pledge. It's not what you think.
    The USA most of us grew up in no longer exists. Or maybe it was always corrupt and I just didn't know it.


  6. The oath of enlistment never expires. Jeff C. in NC

  7. So where are all the veterans speaking out and fighting AGAINST the pointless, wasteful, unconstitutional wars of aggression we have fought since the end of WW2? A bunch of words is one thing, but I would bet that most have actively supported the wars, actively worked for and voted for candidates that care little about freedom, liberty, sound money, sound foreign policy, etc. With as many as there are, if a commitment to freedom and liberty were their priorities, our Congress would be filled with libertarians and conservatives, NOT RINOS, warmongers, and freedom-haters.


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