Thursday, June 15, 2023



20 House RINOS Just Voted With The Demonratz to not censure Schiff. Here they are:

Here are the 20 RINOs who REFUSED to censure Schiff:

  1. Kelly Armstrong, North Dakota (ND)
  2. Lori Chavez-DeRemer, Oregon (OR)
  3. Juan Ciscomani, Arizona (AZ)
  4. Tom Cole, Oklahoma (OK)
  5. Warren Davidson, Ohio (OH)
  6. Brian K. Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania (PA)
  7. Kay Granger, Texas (TX)
  8. Garret Graves, Louisiana (LA)
  9. Thomas H. Kean, Jr., New Jersey (NJ)
  10. Kevin Kiley, California (CA)
  11. Young Kim, California (CA)
  12. Michael Lawler, New York (NY)
  13. Thomas Massie, Kentucky (KY)
  14. Tom McClintock, California (CA)
  15. Marcus J. Molinaro, New York (NY)
  16. Jay Obernolte, California (CA)
  17. Michael K. Simpson, Idaho (ID)
  18. Michael R. Turner, Ohio (OH)
  19. David G. Valadao, California (CA)                                                            
  20. Steve Womack, Arkansas (AR)

Here is a prime example of why very little good is ever accomplished. Everybody with a half a brain knows what Schiff is. Even these 20 who ran for office  as fiscal conservatives tricking their constituents into believing they were conservatives. Yet in the end, they voted right along with their partners in crime showing their true allegiance is to the "uniparty".

Read more about this traitorous act HERE.

These swamprats really like it when you pass along their phone numbers and other personal information. Make sure the voters in their districts know of their treachery. 

h/t to Bob in E-town


  1. Just goes to show who has dirt on who, and they all know it.

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner!!

  2. Big ol' CCP/CPUSA rat traitor POS are in the DC sewer where they belong.

  3. Whew. No Tennessee traitors in there.

  4. Access denied to the Fox article, that's funny. Molinaro is dead to me as I hope to the rest of NY.

  5. Ciscomani is my rep. First termed. He talked a good fight during the campaign. He’s already heard from me about this and won’t be hearing from me in Nov ‘24.

    1. Lol, yeah, voat harder next time. Write a sternly worded letter, too, very good. That'll teach em!

  6. Kay Granger, Texas? No surprise. Never Trumper RINO

    1. 14 terms of Wretched Rino Excrement. She runs as a Conservative and votes as a demoncrat always has, BUT she has wormed her way into Senior Power on the Hill by selling out her voters to the demoncrats at every turn. And our power hungry Texas Republicans support her because of her access to money and power so they Never oppose her. Even as she supported every single abomination that came from obummer, even as she Opposed Candidate Trump, supported and Voted for Hillary. Then supported ALL of the attacks against President Trump from the first day until her vote to protect Shifless this week.
      I have never in my life voted for a demoncrat, but if her primary opponent doesn't take her out I will fund raise, and knock doors and have block parties to support which ever slime the demoncrats run against her.

  7. Both sides are dirty. They Have to protect each other, to dodge the prison so many of them deserve.

  8. There are always enough opposition votes to make the uniparty goal

  9. Well this is no surprise. After all, Fineswine had a Chicom spy driver for 30 years with no repercussions.

    Fang Fang bang bang long time.

    Gotta wonder how many of those listed are taking money from the CCP like the guy at 1600.


      Thats why they all hate Trump, he can't be bought, and doesn't diddle kids, so they can't control him.

    2. Exactly what I was thinking….all on the ChiCom payroll.

  10. It is my belief they put the cart before the horse on the fine aspect of the motion. To fine without due process is unconstitutional which is Massie's argument. They will refile after review.

    1. Fair point and hopefully that's the main reason.

      Will they refile, that is the question.

  11. I can’t “read more here” because…

    Access Denied
    You don't have permission to access http://www.foxnews.com/politics/adam-schiff-dodges-bullet-house-votes-against-bill-censuring-trump-russia-lies" on this server.
    Reference #18.475bca17.1686865868.2d01d8

  12. Forget censure..... They should just disappear the sack of crap!

  13. I put backstabbing, undermining RINOs as lower than the evil enemy Dems who at least wear the enemy uniform and fight us to our faces.

  14. Massie's comment is that if a precedent is set that a majority can fine another member of Congress $12 million, then what is to stop them if they ever take the majority again, and that he is prepared to vote in favor of censure without the financial component when the author files it again without.

  15. Censure? A member in good standing, lied to them. In official actions. And lied to the world. Making them all look corrupt and retarded. While they allow him to be "one of them", an "equal among equals", the stank is on them all.

    Now, Mr. Massie -- proudly interchangeable with Mr. Schiff -- where are the current House Rules banning expulsion? Oh! Noes! We might expel one of our own corrupt liars? In the next go round? Well, that's a shame. You proudly just as corrupt as Mr. Schiff tard!

    1. Thats what they don't get. After all thats happened, most of the population sees their government as illegitimate. If you're not certain of the election fraud that is obvious, at the very least you know by their actions (this included), they are NOT your representatives.
      Thus the 78% disapproval ratings. Yet these slimebags ignore the obvious, and parade sround as if theybare our bettors.
      If youre not willing to blow their brains out, hit em in the face with a cream pie. They need to be ambrassed and publicly shamed so they fear appearing in public. You're not going to vote them out, and nobody tars and feathers anymore, so you're left with very few options. Kill em, or ridicule them out of office.

    2. @Anonymous June 16, 2023 at 7:42 AM

      "or ridicule them out of office"

      The Cardinals elect the Pope. The Pope appoints the Cardinals. How will following their rules, *ever*, change the office? The type of people that squat on the office's thrones? The acts they hire blessed patriots to do?

  16. There's only one way to remedy this backstabbing of the constituents and it starts with a 308.
    But who wants to bell the cat?

    1. Yessir, yessir, winner winner chicken dinner.

    2. Nobody wants to go first, because after that things get... messy.

  17. Wow as a Californian I actually believed McClintock had some integrity--wrong again. Politicians represent themselves only.

  18. The fine is unconstitutional the uniparty put it in there so it could not pass

    1. At one point our country and our Abusive Public Servants pretended to care about the Law and the Constitution. Now we have the Biden DOJ attacking his main political rival with indictments and non-stop investigations, we have Biden's DOJ investigating, arresting, and Punishing any and all who DARE disagree with his whims...
      Up to and including Parents who try to protect their own children.
      It is far to late in this game for the republicans to get squeamish about Fighting Back.

  19. Voting works?


  20. McClintock. He’s mine. I used to work with him. I am both surprised and greatly disappointed. I’ve never known him to squish before. Greatly disappointed.

  21. Mine own Disgusting Traitorous Rino Rep Kay Granger Helped the demoncrats Defeat a censor of Adam Shift...
    I have called the the Rino's Swamp number and I respectfully told the young woman who answered and tried telling me that Kay "Really really WANTS to vote for censor, but that bill had an actual penalty attached rather than just a scolding so she Couldn't vote for it". I told the young woman I felt sorry for her considering who she was working for. I also let her know she may want to get other employment with someone more reputable, like the local Pimp or even a Mexican Drug Cartel. She thanked me for my input and wished me a good day.

  22. Good GAWD are people so fucking stupid they are still looking for a political solution to the tyranny they are experiencing?!??!

  23. We all know in Oklahoma that Tom Cole is a traitor. We will handle him though.

  24. "If you loan a friend 20 bucks and you never see him again, you got off cheap."

  25. For the past coupla months I've been wondrring about Clay Higgins. For ten years I have considered him honorable. But now I wonder if he hasn't at least been neutered. What happened to his insisting that Mayorkas be impeached?

  26. WAY past time to get the rope...


  27. Send Brian Fitzpatrick a letter telling him he might as well change his party affiliation as he's proved time and again he's nothing but a RINO. Told him it's because he's former FBI that also contributes to his treason.

  28. What is the time span we could reasonably expect for the House to refile the motion of censure, if they really intended to censure Shift in the first place? If the reason for not voting for it on the first pass was the (reasonable) objection to the probably unconstitutional Fine.
    Sometime before November I'd say.

  29. Regarding Massie. He is more of a Libertarian than a conservative. He is know as "Mr NO" because he votes NO on so many things. He wants to CUT spending. For that, I comment him. He CLAIMS to not like the $$ penalty provision and says that like the "nuclear option" in the Senate, could be used against conservatives in the future. He is right about that. Now that Pandora's box has been opened, I am afraid the Dems will do it anyway in the future. He claims he will vote for censure with the $$ penalty removed. Who knows if we will see the day. The bottom line is that we are past real diplomacy, and the only way we will see real change is after some sort of revolution. I was hoping a voting revolution would happen, but so far I have been deeply disappointed.

  30. I called Tom Cole’s office. “That mailbox is full, please call back later”

  31. Massie is no squish.
    He voted against it because of the fine. He doesn't want to se the precedent that the House can fine a member for a cost It's easy to see the Dems would be more than happy to use it against the Republicans once they have power again.
    I would wager if they drop the money for the investigation portion, more than half of those Republicans will vote to censure.
    Don't get me wrong, I hate the RINOs as much as anyone. They might as well be Dems. But the money aspect made this a bad idea from the start. Just censure the idiot and be done with it!
    My thoughts,

    1. Exactly.
      My question is, whom put that "poison pill" in the bill(?) in the first place??


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