Friday, June 16, 2023

TFIF!! Let's Get Motivated!!









  1. "Guys, it's not your country anymore, it's ours."

    Chrissy Wallace, December 2012.

  2. You could tell from his first over the top performance that he wasn't going to live very long.

  3. On Bribem's bribe troubles, if he got $5M or $10M whatever the current number is, he most likely got significantly more than that. $5M or $10M is chump change at this level. Would you sell out your country for that pittance, knowing that if you got caught, life as you and your family know it is over.

    Comparatively, Watergate was a kindergarten prank, yet Nixon was run out of office, while Bribem remains at the lectern babbling about building a railroad across the Indian Ocean and the world's largest solar plant in ... wait for it ... Africa(Angola). What in the actual F? Then R's in CONgress and the Senate mostly stand idly by not speaking to any of this.

    Course the down side is if Bribem is ousted, we the equally incompetent brain dead Kamel Toe.

    We be F'd either way.


    1. Yes…… we’ll be F’d either way. I am hoping Trump will be elected, and repair a lot of the damage done.

    2. If ChinaJoe gets pushed out the airlock, Kamala will follow, one way or another. She’s more political deadweight than Joe is. If she won’t find a reason to “spend more time with her family”, then she’ll be dealt with.

      Maybe a false flag to take out our “first POC woman president.” The Reichstag fire from that practically lights itself.

  4. All the Critters are owned by the ChiComs, either on the payroll or blackmailed or both. The ones that act like they are not are probably playing that role to help con the rubes.

  5. It really does not matter if Biden or "Kamal Toe" is the President. The same crew is loading the teleprompter and telling him/her where to go. Brainless is brainless. I wonder who the actual President is.

    Years ago at Dier ez Zor, Syria, President Trump reacted quickly to a Group Wagner attack to the east of Syria and was able to destroy the attack column. Currently, Putin et al know that if they move fast, they will be home free before those controlling the Presidency can meet and decide on a response. If they are even aware of a threat. Dangerous times. I keep remembering that, in 1930s Germany, a senile Hindenburg led to Adolf Hitler and the destruction of most of Europe. And we don't even know who is running Biden.


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