Wednesday, May 10, 2023

From The FIRMS Satellite Imagery.. It's Been Hazy Here With Some Great Sunsets... #Fires

 Fire Information for Resource Management System

FIRMS website <<


 Here is a snapshot of all the fires burning currently. The second photo is the "aerosols". 

That wisp goes straight across Southern NH.

PS, looks like everything is burning south of the border.



  1. calm yourself...

  2. This is the time of the year in the monoforests (pulp trees) when the underbrush is burned off. So lots of the fires are set and used to protect the forest. I have read accounts that prior to Europeans arriving that this was practiced.

  3. I'm intimately familiar with the fire situation in FL. That map is wildly inaccurate, as to the current number of active wildfires here.

    This time of year, I check the site below multiple times per day.

    Just killin' time until FFFF!

  4. As a firefighter - that map display sent me straight to Now I can breath again!

  5. And most of the fires shown today on InciWeb are prescribed burns. Way too early in the season (knocking on wood) for very many fires. I still have snow in the yard! (Alaska)

  6. i'm more concerned with that "aerosol". wth is that?

  7. How are all of the invaders "walking" through all of those fires in Central America in the "jungle" rain forest? The whole southern half of FL is on fire as is the entire length of the Appalachian Trail and mountain range from GA to PA? Must be like the new temperature maps that show anything over 80F in bright red to scare us into thinking globull warming is real. Is Canada, i.e. Turdeau, buying carbon offsets to compensate for the air pollution caused by the wildfires drifting on the wind into New England?

    Oh, the humanity. sob, weep.


  8. Just another example of doom porn psyop fed to us, by those that claim to be our masters.

  9. According to that map, the city of Toronto and the entire north shore of Lake Ontario are on fire. Odd that I hadn't noticed.


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