Saturday, April 8, 2023

With Determination and Speed... You Can Accomplish Anything...









  1. And then the words that follow "Ta DA!" is NOW WHAT?

    Momma's milk is out of reach....

    Sound like any back home "Adults" you know?

  2. "I ain't about to be nobody's cheeseburger!!!"

  3. That definitely was the good the bad and the ugly and funny as hell

  4. Poor calf found out Momma had testicles.

  5. I've seen full grown cows easily clear a 6 or 7 foot gate. That little fella has a limited future though... end up a steer at best or more likely ground chuck. Nobody got time for that shit all the time.

  6. I've worked cattle before, I still limp in cold weather after getting me knee re-arranged by a 500 lb heifer. Cows are stupid as fuck and will do the most god-awful stupid shit and then blow shit out their ass all over you in the process. They will run full-bore into a close gate, they will jump into barbed wire and get tangled, then kick at you as you try to free them, they'll jump right in front of your truck and then kick and bash it for fun. If it weren't for T-bone steaks being so tasty, I wouldn't have anything to do with them.

  7. Cows aren't the brightest of farmyard animals but they're not totally stupid either. That calf wanted out....and found a way to make it happen.

  8. Got tired of smelling nothing but cow patties


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