Friday, April 7, 2023

Clear Up On The MEME Aisle In The Inbox...



 With this comment regarding the Meme Wars.....

Some of them are too rude, and some of them are too cute, but most of them are just too right for these treacherous times. Memes are a form of rebellion and signal a refusal to go along with the theft of our country. There is a Deep State. The election was stolen. Fetterman is incompetent. Joey has dementia. Obama is enjoying his third term. Turbines kill birds and bats. Electric vehicles are a scam. The country is broke. The dollar is worthless. The bankers are thieves. Guns don’t kill people unless they are in the hands of killers. Transsexuals are mentally ill. Abortion is a form of genocide. The virus came from a lab. No one on Epstein's list has been arrested. American-Africans commit a larger percent of violent crime than Whites. California has become a ruined Shithole. Ireland is becoming one. Nothing will happen with the Uni-party in control. The Tree of Liberty needs watering. And, the best Irish whiskey you never drank is called Clontarf. 



  1. May J. fonda rot in hell. Lost two close friends in ambushes. She abetted without deserved punishment. Sez, 1st ANGLICO.

    1. Satan watches over his own - but in the end she will be judged by the One who is Lord over All.

    2. And for eternity, she will repay.

  2. The new header pic is so appropriate for the times. The memes are, as usual spot on, especially #8. I'm a Vietnam Era Vet in my middle 70's. The long will be long. I hope I live long enough to contribute.


    1. I really need to review a little more carefully before I click publish. That should have been "The line will be long..."


  3. Great memes Irish but totally overshadowed by the Alien implanting the easter bunny.

  4. The bunny/alien reference is outstanding.

  5. In your diatribe up top tell us something we don't know, for entertainment purposes only you see.

  6. Irish - your monolog...pusifer- humbling river rings true for the bigger picture. Thank you for what you do.

  7. #41...Unfortunately I would handle that staircase with all of the aplomb of Joe Biden boarding Air Force One. There damn well better be beer when I get to the bottom!

    Robbie in Pittsburgh

  8. The last sentence is subjective. The preceding ones are factually true - to deny that shows you are either intellectually challenged, or are simply beyond Redemption.

    May God have Mercy on our souls.

  9. Every staircase is a staircase to heaven, if you’re klutzy enough.


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