Sunday, April 2, 2023

On Tonight's Older Episode of FAFO TV , Please Welcome...





 ‘Bloody Puddle’ 

It happened 8 years ago and the perp got sentenced to 25 years and he's still in so it appears.


  1. The father showed remarkable restraint........

  2. Dad's a really nice guy, he left the goblin breathing!

    Unfortunately (for me), I would've taken the little POS apart WITHOUT anesthetic.

  3. Amish dude looks gay in the clean picture.

  4. Frolander was right; something terrible did happen - Dad beat the crap out of him.

    Junior learned how much Dad loved and protected him in that moment. Good work, Dad!

  5. Something similar happened on Texas ranch a few years back. A father came home to hear cries coming from the barn. Upon investigating, he found his hired hand(I think the perp was a hired hand) sexually assaulting his under ten year old daughter. If I remember correctly the father beat the perp to death. The father wasn't charged.


  6. Gary Plauche. Legend.
    Steve S6

  7. From the articles:

    The dispatcher asked: ‘Is he still unconscious?’

    Had it been my kids/house:
    "Hold on..."
    Footsteps and FLOOOMPP!
    "He is now."

  8. Bravo to the day and hopefully quick healing for the son. But I had to laugh at the lady reporter who had a right-side tick of the head at every comma or period she came to on reading her report.

  9. Hopefully the perp has enjoyed many occasions of being on the receiving end during his stay behind bars.

  10. Today's tip on how to save yourself from exorbitant legal fees - Always have a pre-dug hole deep out in the woods that only you know about....


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