Saturday, January 21, 2023

THAT'S Some Coercion... "Is IT Safe?"








 H/T to Bear Claw for the inspiration

  Just saw this on twitter and it fit's right in.

Now, right on cue, get ready for the propaganda blitz from all the celebritards and talking heads


  1. Vee vill keep u thafe, kameraden.
    None are safe until all are safe.
    It's for the good of the collective.
    Forward! Yes we can.

  2. I believe that's "Snoop Dog's" dope smoking partner Martha Stewart, no? Does it ever end with these units?

  3. Marathon man. Laurence Olivier plays a great bad guy. Great movie. I went to the dentist and told him if you ask me if it's safe, I am out of here. He kind of looked at me and I said marathon man. He laughed and said that part made his BH pucker up. He said what a thing to do to a person.

  4. Hate to jump on this, but I just realized that the first three letters in "Dementia and Democra"t are the same. Coincidence? On the other hand, the first three letters of "Republican and Reprobate" are the same as well. Just covering my bases.

  5. Cloves and clove oil have their place, but not as toothache treatment.

  6. Govt pimping Martha Stewart shilling for the jabs? Wonder what her take is? Oh, yeah, I'll get the shots now....Martha convinced me . Sure.

    1. She once went jail because she lied to the F.B.I.

    2. And then the stock skyrocketed, that was some funny shit.

      Bear Claw

      Hell I have been seeing adds daily, it never ended but I hope she really did get hers.

    3. She forgot rule #1. Don’t talk to the Feds.

  7. She always came across as some kind of faux prostitute.

  8. Went to see this movie with a friend, had to explain the whole thing about diamond stealing and the holocaust doctor.

  9. Be the dragon. Nemo


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