Monday, September 5, 2022

A Couple Videos Well Worth Watching ...

 First up Kari Lake nukes the site from orbit:

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Next up, How soon we forget huh?

They bank on a very short attention span of the citizenry.   These are clips from the past

12 years.

For the record, I can not stand any of these people and what they represent.

Watch all 10 minutes and share it.  We need to be reminded of this.


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  1. i remember the last 6 years; couldn't watch more than 30 secs of that garbage. the lack of self-awareness in these people is mind boggling. but until we have a msm media (where 80% get their info) that questions this and reminds everyone about it, we're not going to get anywhere

  2. I love watching Kari put these so called journalists in their place. She does it in a nice and very professional manner. I hope and pray that the turnout for her is enough to overcome the vote counting in Phoenix

  3. How does one copy the link to that video of all the dems denying Trump's legitimacy? Or can you post the link please?? Tks in advance for anyone's assistance.

    1. Figured it out. Had to be in the right spot on the image to get the right popup options.

  4. That was EPIC, sad but they will have DOMINION over her.

  5. I hate all democrats. I might give a pass to Tulsi Gabard cause she has a brain and is good on the eyes

  6. Kari Lake shreds lib reporter with logic and facts. Found it on youtube

  7. In one of the 2016 debates Hillary hectored Trump about whether he would accept the election results if she was the winner. Time and again she threw out that strange question to him. His answer was not quite what could have been expected; if I were Trump I would have simply deflected the question to after the election was finished before evaluating my position. I still have no idea why she was so insistent with her question, especially when it later was she-and millions of her followers-who never accepted the election results. Pretty obvious that she was trying to set Trump up but good, only to later find that the election was fair and that she was the loser.

    Even a blind person can see in spades why the 2020 election was so crooked. Democrats has no use for fair elections.

    1. It was the same act after the 2020 theft. Any Republican on a talk show or news interview was badgered to say the election was legitimate. It was like Sam Kinison: say it! SAY It! Creepy people.

  8. They hate free to folk.
    They need us dead.
    They need to destroy everything we have, everything we built.


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