Saturday, September 3, 2022

Mentions in Brandon's Speech

Has anyone noticed how quiet the MSM has been on this topic? Except for a few "even ____________ has been critical of President Biden's speech"  referencing some minor sound byte made by one of the leftist talking heads representing one of the networks,  all have been mum. Even "fair and balanced" FOX has been very low key in regards to reporting this national embarrassment too. Imagine if Donald Trump had conducted himself in a similar manner while sitting in the Oval Office.



  1. We know where this is headed, nd it's not good. Armor up and pray.

  2. well I think it didn't get the reaction they where hoping for. from what I seen and heard around town is it just pissed a whole lot of people off. one thing I think it did do was make people really see for maybe the first time just how fucked up these assholes are. guy down the street told me he started to load up all of his magazines.
    so, I think they know they fucked up and went too far and showed people how they really think about people who don't think the way they do
    that might be why he tried to walk it back the next day. and for the same reason why the "media" id quiet about it as well.
    there what, 6 groups that OWN all of the media in this country. not hard to get the same message out when the boss tells you to not talk about this.
    the beltway assholes have a big problem. they tend to believe their onw bullshit, of course when you live in a bubble, you only hear you own words coming back to you

  3. Has Gen. Milley come out and said the military will ignore Biden's order to nuke Oklahoma? Asking for a friend.

    1. Hey dammit. Glad I'm here it will be the last place. PS they want us to kill each other, not gonna happen we are patient.

  4. The real Commies, AKA Obungler & gang (Dimentia Joe's just a stooge gum flapping filter) released this vile diatribe for one reason. They're hoping this will cause some Trump fans to create a violent incident or incidents that will enable them to call it insurrection part-deux and thus "prove" the Trump people are domestic terrorists.

    1. Bingo! Well Done sir.

      Most are focused on the demented pedo...but to be fair...he's not 'here'...and is reading a script after gettin' pumped up on some really strong stimulants.

      obozo, jarrett, rice, powers et al...continue their Chicago-style jihad to 'punish their enemies' which started in 2009.

      After a summer of victories by Supremes and primaries...the 'choomer groomers' are facing another mid-term 'shellacking'...and brought out the baseball bat Thurs. night after getting some teeth knocked out.

      Patriots must ponder...have patience...and prepare.

      joe tentpeg

    2. martial law equates to mail-in voting only, hmmm?

    3. Let them "prove" whatever they want. I... have had enough!...

    4. I agree with bogsidebunny but if that plan does not work I fear they will use a red flag incident to kick things off- they seem to be real proficient using that type of operation--they have everyone stirred up now

    5. bsb is right ... then they can declare marshal law

    6. I’ve been looking at this for more than a decade.

      What is truly astounding to me, is they seemingly overlook the ratio’s between armed forces trigger pullers, police of all types; federal, state and local; and 50 to 70 million armed Americans, many of whom are trained veterans. These people possess modern weapons, know how to hunt and survive in the hinterlands or at least are very familiar with said weapons and know how to use them, trillions of rounds of ammo. Then there's the vulnerability of the logistics tail it would take for .gov to launch a war against the populace. Anyone think adding 78000 T-agents is going to impact that ratio in a significant way? I think that’s why Bribem threatened us with F-15’s, Hellfires and nukes recently. His handlers know the answer.

      Then there’s the “let’s disarm them first” notion.

      We’re dealing with idiots.

      It’s the same type of thinking that led to the pull out in Afghanistan leaving 13 dead American servicemen, American citizens, allies and billions in arms and equipment behind, proving that there aren’t any Marshals, Eisenhowers, Pattons, Nimitzs or Schwarzkopfs on the General staff these days and from reports of the wokeness being promoted at all levels over real training, there won’t be any time soon.

      Add in that we’ve been supplying arms, ammo and equipment to Ukraine which are, according to reports, being taken from ready inventories of active units up and down the command structure and will take unknown time, estimated at several years to a decade to replenish, I like our chances.

      We just need to be aware of a false flag or some kind of trap rally, ala Charlottesville or the thing they call "the insurrection", which they are undoubtedly planning. Wouldn't surprise me if they unleashed some SSRI addled mass killer on a Trump rally, just to get the simmering pot boiling.


    7. In the foreseeable future we will all be loaded on box cars for the re education camps and some asshole in the backs going to be yelling, "No violence, that's what they're after". Fuck it. Let's get it on.

    8. I'm not getting on a box car, trailer or anything else.

  5. Same same. Uniparty, unipress. They don't want to lose their grift either.

  6. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleySeptember 4, 2022 at 11:29 AM

    "It's a trap!" Adm. Akbar Yep, hold your fire boys, it's a trap.

  7. My anarcho-capitalist pal noted no mention of The Uke or RUS either…

  8. Buzz word babbling from a desperate man.

  9. Can someone tell me if what I think I heard the Resident say the other day is real or did I just think he said: “The Tree of Liberty is NOT watered with blood!” I’m almost positive that’s what I heard.

  10. Hi Irish,
    I have my own thought's.... However, I can only wonder what the late Mike Vanderboegh would have to say if he was still with us??????
    Audentes, Fortuna, Iuvat!!!!,

  11. Do you think biden knew what he was saying? I didn't watch it, so that means my TV lives another day.

  12. Epilogue: the moment the blundering idiot started CW2.


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