Saturday, July 9, 2022

Harness The Cat... Information Update

  For those that asked about the outdoor harness for Houdini Ceasar.

He did get out of it once but didn't venture far. I probably didn't adjust the neck area

properly once I fit his head through. Since then, he's been out a few times and has not 

gotten out of it. Once you slide it over his head you can cinch the straps and per instructions

you allow the "one finger rule" for proper fit. MAKE sure to measure per the chart for the

proper one. He is an XS size.

Human, when I get out of this "I going to cut you into little pieces."*

Here is the one we got. 

I do not get any commission or payback for the link.

I know it's Amazon so YMMV.

*bonus points if you know the reference.


  1. Pink Floyd - One of these days

  2. Pink Floyd, "One of these days" from Meddle.

  3. Good thing he'll get used to it...maybe.
    I had a feral Momcat that had a black & white face like him.
    Her name was Rory, short for Rorschach


  4. Thank you! rabbitgoo.com for those of us who won't use amazon.

  5. We had one of those for my little sister back in the '60's. Same reason, same look, just a little bigger.

  6. Handsome fella.

  7. I like the Pirates of the Caribbean line, "I'll cut ya for breathen ya slack jawed idiot".

  8. Tsk, tsk.
    Have you no cat tape?
    Right next to the duct tape. That is why they have 9 lives.

  9. (Old Tech) Clearly an extremely well done photoshop of a cat in a leash/harness.
    Every cat I have ever seen that someone placed a leash on simply fell over and pretended to be dead...... much like Millennials when asked to actually work.

  10. We've had one of this design, in leather, for 30 years. NOT ONE CAT has escaped. Pissed off, wild screaming and yelling, spinning wildly on the floor, fall over "dead", astonished disgust, yep- but no escapes. This is the only design that works. Your cat will hate it. Just remember to buckle it to horse standards: an elbow to the gut, then cinch it tight.

  11. I know that look. Watch your back. He will kill you by slow torture so excruciating you will beg for the relief of mere pain. Then he will scatter your remains so thoroughly, no to mesons will be found in adjacent star systems. THEN he'll get mean!

  12. I recall a sister talking about something similar at least 30 years ago. It was a reference about taking her cat out for a drag...


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