Tuesday, June 28, 2022

They Can't Even Hide Their Hypocrisy....


 Not even 11 month spread between these.....








  1. This is what I struggle with when I see this sort of thing (and there are nooooo shortage of examples of it): is it that these people are so completely oblivious to their own assumptions/logic, or are they so fixated on power that they just don't care about consistency?

    Then again, maybe this is a place where I should embrace the healing power of "both/and" instead of "either/or."


  2. The time difference does not matter, I'm certain this blowhard still holds both opinions today and sees absolutely nothing hypocritical about it. That's how everyone on the left thinks.

    Unhappy with an utterly, fraudulent election? That's the "big lie", go to jail.
    Unhappy about the SCOTUS simply getting out of the abortion debate and leaving it up to the voters? BURN IT DOWN!!

    That's the left of today.

  3. Haven't seen him for awhile but there was a guy on twitter famous for posting these hypocrisies. Cant think of his handle at the moment but the schaudenfrued was awesome. He got booted for awhile but they got blistered and they put him back in good status. My new shit post for the merderers/abortionist will be whats a woman.

  4. Robert Reich (that last name is so ironic) is the ultimate left wing nut. Seriously, the guy talks as if he's serious as a heart attack, but spews the most utterly ludicrous horse crap. I swear I'd like to hit him, every time I have to listen/see/read his shit. These posts are just more of the same, and clearly show why he should be ignored.

    Whatever you do folks, please don't let your kids grow up to be like this prick.

  5. He exists only to bloviate.......

  6. Orwell called this 'doublethink' in 1984.

    Who'd have thought that novel would be so prophetic?

  7. Robert Reich suffers from Napoleonic complex. He is very short and wants to have complete control over others. Never did like him of believe a word he said.

  8. The best part is when you call a lefty on their hypocrisy, they'll deny they ever said one or the other or both and they think no one notices.


  9. I love a guy with a sense of humor.

  10. This is for Phil’s tool challenge — a rake blade. Cause I cannot comment anonymously on his blog anymore and I was his biggest fan

  11. I never was certain what he was/is smokin'

  12. The Marxist Midget is still upright, breathing, and talking. Sad that.

    1. BillyBob from TexasJune 29, 2022 at 12:48 AM

      Reich is nothing more than a tiny 0bama fluffing troll.

    2. And he's still pulling down over $300,000 a year from U.C. Berkeley to screw kid's heads up.

  13. he's about as sharp as a basketball.

  14. They're all a bunch of shit bags...

  15. Mr little man syndrome needs to just move to the old folks home and be irrelevant, his views never had the worth of a bucket of warm spit anyway, except to people just as insanely unbalanced as he is.

  16. Proving once again why talk radio and conservative blogs are so successful. We communicate truth and the inconvenient facts about the left. The MSM never points out the hypocrisy of the left, but they are more than happy to make up stories (Jan6) about the right. I keep feeling that in 10 years we conservatives will be like the resistance fighters in The Terminator movies up against The Machines.

  17. What's truly sad....and frightening is he can make BOTH those statements and BELIEVE them.

  18. The only reckless endangerment is coming from Big Pharma and corrupt, treasonous politicians.


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