Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Dangerously Hot Days Plague Alabama

 It has definitely been hot in "The Heart of Dixie". We have experienced heat indices here for the last several days of 107-112 F. I noticed on the local news that Jasper, AL was reporting a heat index of 120F at 5:30 PM today. Hopefully, we will get some relief soon. A friend sent me the following and I thought I'd share it.


  1. YOUCH! Been in the high 90's here for several days, but our humidity is something like EIGHT per cent!

  2. Good to see you back, the hot is temporary. Carry on.

  3. 96 temp and 110 heat index today just south of Bham. At lease we're not Jasper. Yet. Supposed to be hotter late next week. Yay.

    1. It has been a scorcher as you well know EH. I'll be glad to see some relief when it get here!

  4. That's way too hot for my ass.
    We had one day a year ago of 115 and it near croaked me.
    Good to see you posting Jeffery, things coming along good for you?

    1. Thanks Phil. I am doing well. The doctors say they are "amazed". It is going to take a little time to get back up to snuff though, but that is OK.. The heat coupled with the high humidity can literally be a "killer" here in the Southland.

  5. Spent the summer of '98 as waterboy for a skidder spraying clearcuts in LA.

    That shit was over 110° more than under 90°, including at night, for 3 months straight.

    I moved my ass back to the UP after 6 months, even though I had 3 grest job offers.

    My blood is more like maple syrup.

    1. All of the South can be brutal in the summertime weatherwise, but south Alabama in the logwoods is considered one of the seven rings of Hell! LOL

    2. The Piney Woods of Mississippi are hot as Hades too with 95 % humidity. I grew up in the 60's and 70's with no AC. It was HOT.

  6. Perfect summer weather. For the Mojave desert.
    Sorry for your grief. Hopefully it changes soon.

  7. It's so hot in Opp, I saw a dog chasing a cat and they're both walking.

  8. El nino and la nina. It is summer and a slow news period so the press hypes the weather more and more these days. Yes we are having those high heat indexes as well. I don't say so much about the good old days to often becase mine were great but my parents generation did not have AC. It's all relative.

  9. You know the worst thing about this meme? Nobody under the age of 45 will understand it, with the way out school system
    is going right now.
    I live in Michigan, an retired from foundry work, and remember pouring steel on days like this, when the temp was 150 degrees in
    the melt floor. We learned to take care of each other, making sure that nobody got hear stroke. I almost passed out one time,
    and the guy I was pouring with got me help right away, and it happened with a number of guys that one summer.
    This year here it looks to match that one as far as record heat. I am glad that we live right on Lake Michigan. It helps keep the temp down by 5-10 degrees in summer, and up that much in winter. Stay safe,all, and enjoy the sunshine.


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