Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.......


 For those keeping up with Mrs. Jones, her last two submitted pics appear in this post. There are no clues as you should be able to recognize them by now. Plus, I ran out of daylight to get this done.












 Enjoy the weekend!!  


  1. The days are getting shorter, but the FFF is still getting better. #FJB -Brewer

  2. #100 must have bought that thing from the guy in #12, damn!

    Great way to start the weekend, thanks Irish!


    I’ll give it 100%. But I Aint 25 Anymore.

  4. When I read "I ran out of daylight to get this done" I was thinking, OK there's gonna be fewer pics this week.

    I should know better by now. Another sumptuous feast for the eyes and brain and death by chocolate for desert.

    Thanks and have a nice weekend.\


  5. 3 - Good day, Aay?
    4 - Yupp
    12 - Yeah, I ain't going there.......
    29 - Ma says, FUCK YOU!
    31 - And it was here, in this blighted place, that he learned to live again...
    43 - Subtle. I like it.
    91 - Dark Side of the Poon?
    116 - Rare Iron.
    130 - WOW! That was fast!
    137 - Well done, but not over done.
    138 - Damn straight.
    141 - Fastback.
    175 - Would you look at that: $1.07 a gallon.
    195 - CBX The Big Block of Hondas.
    198 - Why does danger look so fun?
    216 - 72 High Boy. SWEET! I even like the color.
    224 - Fork Tailed Devil.
    227 - How to spot the gay guy....
    234 - Sadness.
    236 - BINGO!
    238 - Should hold Irish for a day or three.
    243 - Definitely NOT Phil's garage. You can see the floor. Not mine, either - for other reasons......

    Every week new and amazing eye candy.
    Thanks, Boss.

    Whitehall, NY

  6. Winner winner chicken dinner Irish.
    I really liked that one.
    Don't know what number it was up towards the top of those kids playing with their Tonka Trucks in the dirt but, yeah.
    Hell yeah.

  7. A NOTE FROM MR JONES: To those of you who took the time to figure out the riddles in the previous weeks, we will make it easy...Mrs. Jones comes in at 115 and double that plus 6. We would both like to thank Irish for his posting of FFF each week and adding a ray of sunshine at the end of what is usually a bleak week. Mrs. Jones said she would like to thank all the guys for the nice "feed back" you made her feel all tingly! She also said she would like to thank Irish for all the boobies both real and fake...but especially the nice fluffy ones...those are her favorite.

    1. Thank Mrs Jones for sharing her loveliness. and thanks to Mr jones for sharing her with us.

      More please.

  8. #162 looks incredibly familiar to me. Dangerously so.

  9. More on 162. Yeah, she wanted a Harley.

  10. Is 76 one of the 8 maids a milking. If so now I know why they made the play list. My count my be off by one or two but it is your fault. So many distractions along the way. .. It could also partly be bourbon's fault.

  11. That cowgirl can sure handle that '97 like she was born with it in her hands!

  12. Nice tush on 7 (and 23), 14 knows how to greet hubbo at the station, nice on 19, nice pear on 58, 139, nice lungs on 75, nice fleshy on 133, 136, 236. Lots of nice baths, and almost topless.

    22 is how women looked before feminism. The guy with 47 is playing the wrong game.

    And it didn't take long for 130 to hit the Interwebz.

  13. I actually think these get better every week,thanks Irish! A special shout out to #’s 16,28,154,161,215, and 239

  14. My morning coffee, and FFF. A match that has become a ritual. Thanks Irish!!

  15. Best page on the internet. Thanks for all your hard work Irish.

  16. Pic 210 looks like Nancy Pelosi going around the DC Beltway!!!

  17. Great collection, thanks for sharing!
    Is that Veronica Zemanova at 132?
    And Bill is right, of course...

  18. Thank You feral irishman such a great escape from the insanity that is now reality....

  19. I don’t get very far counting in the collection. The drooling distracts me
    Paul J


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