Sunday, October 17, 2021

500 Billion Tons Of Rock..... Sliding Into The Ocean..


 Lately , There have been eruptions on La Palma in the Canary Islands. It's almost the end

of 2021. We might as well add a Tsunami to the resume.



Here is a live feed today of the current eruption with sound.... eerie.... 


  1. It could happen....and if it does the East coast and a much of Europe is gonna get that enema it's been needing.....

    1. The Northeast megalopolis could use a good douching

  2. I hope that angry girl goes there and demands a stop to all that CO2

  3. Some scientists predict...
    Will not happen; not as described here

  4. That's how our living planet deals with the dumb shit going on in our time. Talk about a "great reset," Klaus Schwab aint got shit on Mother Earth. It'll squash him and anyone in it's way like a bug. Ohio Guy

  5. The sound is what I find fascinating. It's sorta of like a blow torch that gets a periodic shot of oxy. Nemo

  6. If this happens the left already is ready to place the blame: Orange Man Bad. Oh, and climate change of course.

  7. We shall see. I figure it's more high-paid doom porn serving as justification for some doom porner's high paid job.

    If it happens just so, under just so conditions with just so this and just so that.

    These are the same class of people who have predicted the coming heat age in the late 60's, followed by the ice age in the 70's, followed by heat then by ice then by heat then by ice.

    The same class of knuckleheads that got Freon banned for causing a hole in the ozone layer near Antarctica that has nothing to do with Freon and has everything to do with normal weird atmospheric conditions.

    The same class of highly edumecated idiots that say we should save the Amazon rainforest because it's a net O2 producer. When it's actually a net CO2 producer and if we switched most of it to farming, ranching or planned logging, it would become a net O2 producer, but... (all the decay products from millenia of rotting forest matter are what produces the CO2 excess, clean that up and turn it into farms and such and 'poof' way excess O2...)

    Yeah. We on the coast lines are far more likely to suffer from some island in the Caribbean blowing up than a Canary Island blowing up or calving or landsliding or whatever.

    And if it happens, the Atlantic and all the currents will have far more ability to mitigate the tsunami than the models show.

    Though, given a chance to flood Warshington DC and Obama's Martha's Vineyard house...

    1. Isn't Imperial College London the home of that clown with the junk COVID transmission model that was predicting doom, doomity-doom last year. Yup, Neil Ferguson. The same guy who predicted 50,000 deaths from Mad Cow Disease when there were actually 177.

      I'd say burn the whole fricking institution to the ground with all the professors in it. All it appears to be is a Doom Factory..

  8. Someone should vaccinate that volcano. Coughing up quite a lot; got to be COVID.

  9. Don't mess with Mama Nature. If Mama ain't happy, ain't NObody gonna be happy!

  10. Then again, this present eruption may just be bleeding off enough pressure to prevent things going high order any time soon.

  11. It has happened already. The last time was about 500,000 years ago. It will happen again, but neither you nor your great-great grandchildren are likely to see it...

  12. Hey, if it goes, just think - we'll be able to get beachfront property in Charlotte, NC.

  13. The Earth wanted plastic for itself, didn't know how to make it, needed us. The plastic is here, our job is done and it's time for mankind to be phased out now. G Carlin

  14. Sure am glad I live on the west side of a 200 foot tall terminal moraine. Nemo

  15. Think of volcanoes as the planet's pimples and you won't be far off.

  16. If this happens it would certainty change the landscape for a lot of people. I wonder if the Central Valley of mexafornia would be filled up again and be that big inland sea it once was many years ago?
    At least we would not have the smog problem down here any more.

  17. Bring that shit on. It'll be worth it if it takes NYC and Washington DC with it.

  18. Take no offense.

    I wish it it would hurry the **** up.

  19. So I guess these zhou tubes are edgy refs to clymit cuntrol?


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