Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.... You Didn't Think I Would Let You Down, Did You?





Have a great weekend everyone!! 

 Thanks again for all the well wishes....




  1. Nice hourglass on 19, 82, very nice older lady on 66, nice Bettie on 79, nice, um, on 109, nice wink on 116, nice elegant young lady on 132, nice boxers on 134, nice bouncy on 191.

    64 has a great Trick or Trick outfit.

  2. Well done once again my man.
    Now I'm going to run through that again.
    Hard to give a bigger compliment than that.

    1. Twice?
      Hell, I run through this, walk through it, fall asleep to it, whistle at it, and save it two different ways (women, then memes) every week. Then I run through it one last time to make sure I didn't miss anything.

  3. Thanks for doing, especially after what the evil corporate overlords did to you. C*nts. Love the beginning. Muscle cars, good eats, drinks, easy on the titties.

  4. 9 - Nice. 77 Club Cab
    17 - A matched pair for Phil and CederqX
    22 - Clean
    23 - Beep, beep!
    34 - I'll pick treat, please.
    35 - A real Bronco.
    40 - GT Torino
    44 - Two in a week? Nice.
    52 - That is a killer triple play. Me want!
    54 - A Mopar I'd actually own.
    85 - You hear Dixie?
    96 - Just, WOW!
    111 - Mmmmmm, pokies.
    130 - An Apache carrying a Bobcat.
    141 - Those eyes.
    159 - Yupp.
    164 - Not unless they are gay.
    171 - Arrrrrrrr
    178 - Still can.

    Great collection, again Boss.
    Enjoy your down time. Don't let the bastards get you down.

    Whitehall, NY

  5. Soooo, are you going into the classic muscle car renovation business in your next endeavor? That's a pretty nice collection to start with.

    Beer, boobs, booze, classic muscle cars and scathing political commentary along with beautiful nekkid women, a couple of fantasy Halloween costumes, along with Linda Hamilton, Bettie Page and Linda Ronstadt. What's not to like. Another magnificent FFF collage. Thanks.


  6. I'm pretty sure I've been on that landscape crew in #194.

    Thanks for the start to the weekend Irish!

  7. Awesome as always. Ohio Guy

  8. Another great start to my Saturday morning,with a shout out to the side boob on #94 and the beautiful tan lines on #189

  9. Best yet!
    How do you do it.
    My newest attempt at a meme: Keep your Fauci hands off my baby..,picture of a beagle

  10. I'm always sad to reach the end of a fff. Thanks Irish!!

  11. Don't know how you do it. Better each time. Thanks for your efforts.

  12. Thank you for continuing the FFF, I would have hated to see it go. Best of luck to you, hope all goes well for you.

  13. Nice juxtaposition of Linda Blair with Halloween. And NO, you don't ever forget a stolen election...or those that orchestrated it, those that denied it happened, those who refused to hear the evidence, those who assisted it for payoffs, the legislation and EOs that were passed and signed, the trillions wasted, the lives destroyed, the companies destroyed, or the need to address and right these wrongs before freedom will 3ver have a chance of being restored.

  14. Crispy Cheesy Potato Stacks are extra-nice with gorgonzola!

  15. Great collection! Tonya Song and a couple nice shots of Bettie Page!
    Thanks for that!

  16. I definitely feel your vibe this week. I'm right there with you brother. Carry on.

  17. I am a foot stomping fan of fff. Thanks for this labor of our love.

  18. It would be fun watching #81 trying to have my children.
    As usual, Irish. You da Man!

  19. Way over the top excellence again Irish.

    A superb collection of fantastic ladies, monumental Milves and old GM trucks.

    I need a smoke and a towel.


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