Sunday, October 24, 2021

Carl Sagan Wrote This In 1996..








  1. Tried to share, facebook said no, it hurt some ones feelings. Ed Jones

  2. I always found it interesting that the atheists like Carl Sagan feared the right and assumed it would be Christians that brought the downfall. Turns out the destruction of America came from the atheists on the left.

  3. I bought that book in a flaky bookshop in Grand Lake, Colorado, and the hippie proprietor tough it was about magic or some shit. We have a long way to go to dig out of our ignorance hole.

  4. Carl Sagan was an "intelligent" human. The vast majority of humanity is NOT intelligent....merely clever.....many not even that.

  5. Sagan has fallen out of favor nowdays, but that old pothead had some valuable insights. Hundreds, if not billions...

  6. Guessing that he was called a "conspiracy theorist" at the time as well.

  7. I read that in hardcover when it was new. E.O. Wilson, who's probably the single greatest biologist since Darwin, recommended it to me after beating me like a pinata (even though he agreed with me) at the Q&A part of my very first presentation of original research at a conference. Dude wanted to be sure I knew the material I was talking about and wasn't just a parrot.
    He bought me a beer afterward and showed me his copy of Sagan's book, called him a 'loony pop-scientist with a good grasp of consilience', the theory of how biology and physics influence all things in behavior.

  8. 1984 wasn't intended as an instruction manual, but, it's turning into one almost at the speed of light.


  9. When this fourth turning is complete we the people, what's left of us, will dig ourselves out as we always have in the greatest country in the history of human kind.

    1. I agree with the greatest country part. I fear about what will be left after the Democrats are done with it. The only thing that gives me hope is the fact that many of them, plus a lot of independents are losing faith in the left and the things that they are doing to what once was a fairly strong and economically independent America.
      Now it is an America that is scoffed at by her enemies and ashamed of by her friends.


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