Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Just Four Short Years Ago, This Is What These F****g A******s Had To Say....


 Useful idiots.











  1. Heh, they try to sound so serious and act like they are Patriots of some sort. Just another case of our "Betters" trying to convince us they know best.

  2. I think President Trump did an admirable job during his first four years considering that 99.999999999% of the DC government was against him. You know, credible swamp creatures like John McStain, who gleefully gave a thumbs down vote to several bills supported by President Trump and RINO Ryan, now a board member of Fox News.


  3. Communist each and every one of them. No a Patriot among them. Stop supporting ALL things hollywood and defund them.

  4. BATHERing DILDO'S in action....IMO

  5. I cannot hide my distain for each and every one of these asshats who have no idea what they are doing and who they are backing.....

  6. Great find. I remember that vid - it was spammed all over the place.
    Of course, I make all my decisions based upon people who like to dress up and play pretend.
    If Saul Goodman tells me what to do, I pay attention.

  7. Who were those people? I only recognized one or two of 'em.

  8. If the system still worked as designed then there would not have been an obama administration. Our elected representatives would not be mulit millionaires from their decades of graft. Our uncivil and immoral of society would lack standing in court due to their mental instability.

  9. Jeeze. Four years later and it still makes me gag.


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