Friday, June 5, 2020

Kenny and Miss Lisa Suffer A Sudden Loss..

Phil posted this and I can't say it any better.

His wife Miss Lisa’s son died unexpectedly and they are in mourning.

I am going back over there and hit the tip jar to help with expenses.
Please join me if you can, Kenny and Miss Lisa are salt of the earth good people and Kenny has helped out more people than I can count in the past who were in need.
Time to take care of our own.

They are in my thoughts.


  1. Hey Irish;

    Aw crap, that sucks

    From what I know Ms Lisa is one of the sweetest people running, dammmm

  2. Thank you, Irish. It's been difficult to say the least but all of our friends have made it as easy as they could, and we're both very appreciative.
    A recipient has been found for Josh's heart, kidneys and liver, so some good has come out of all this.


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