Tuesday, June 25, 2013

WARNING! Graphic......This Video Needs To Go Viral in New Jersey And The "Animal" In It Needs To Be Caught And Dismembered Slowly.....

Graphic video of a New Jersey home invasion. Reposted from Brocks site Free North Carolina.

Warning.. This is disturbing and sickening:

More info HERE

and HERE  with a half decent screenshot of the douchebag 


  1. Yep! It can happen in a New York Minute. Be ready.

    +1 on Taarna graphic!

  2. I just blogged on this myself, found it somewhere in the news but If I saw it here first I would have just swiped it from you - it needs widespread coverage. I put it up on Facebook too. It is fear inspiring, enough to probably get some folks to consider arming themselves. I only hope they take him out terminally.

  3. Yeah, saw it over at another place.


    And I see you found The Last Taarakian!

  4. Probably a low-life, druggie slime outa Newark's 4th ward.

    Milburn's right down the road.

    To bad the lady didn't have a 00-Buck loaded Mossberg 900.

    1. #7 would do the job at close range, and leave less mess on the walls.

    2. An old joke made me think of the last post for some reason, i.e., How do you make a woman scream twice? Wipe it on the drapes.

  5. We're starting to see a lot more of that these days, i.e., white men disguising themselves as black men to escape detection or publication.


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