For now, we can only dream of an investigation, prosecution and punishment for this power hungry megalomaniac. I wonder if she thought about that time she ripped up all those papers behind Trump's back while she and her comrades were getting "lit on fire" by DJT Tuesday night.
She looks like her dentures are about to fall out and she has to keep sucking her teeth to keep them in. I love seeing her miserable.
ReplyDeleteThe evil witch when her world is slipping away.
ReplyDeletethe living embodiment of corruption in washington.
ReplyDeleteLooks like she took a bite of that shit sammich they kept trying to give us for the last 4 years.
ReplyDeleteI had a good laugh when the video of the speech cut to her while Trump was speaking and she's sucking her dentures like the 84 year old fart that she is. Once she gave up the speakership, what is the point of her continuing as a rep? Another Alzheimers patient in government. Then we wonder how and why the country got so effd up.
ReplyDeletePelosi's most famous pronouncement " We have to pass the bill to see what's in it" referring to Obama Care.
Wishful thinking. As bad as the dems were, the repubs were just as bad. The Dog-Pavlovian display of raucous, sustained cheers and applause, the overt ass-kissing a-la "YES! YES, Mr. President! We're with you A Thousand Percent!!!"
ReplyDeleteTrump's first term was full of the same obsequious displays, but when push came to shove, they sucked Pelosi's dick instead.
If those assholes don't put out for us this time, we're going to be stuck with great speeches but little else this go around.
"If those assholes don't put out for us this time, we're going to be stuck with great speeches but little else this go around"
ReplyDeleteYes, that is always a possibility, but at least the outlook is brighter with Trump in office. I figure we would have been lucky to have made it through 4 years of Kamala. Every "blue" city would look worse than....Oh wait. They already look that like cities in third world countries.