Wednesday, March 5, 2025

.........marinated in liberal tears too


It was Trump's barbeque and he roasted enough democrat-ass to feed "Coxey's Army". 

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Trump stand up to these America hating assholes and call them out for what they are. 

Best line of the night below

Like 'ol Charlie used to say, "we're walking real proud and talking real loud again"


  1. Last night was an amazing thing to watch.

  2. Charlie Daniels was the only USA show I attended on any of my tours, great show.

  3. I usually refuse to watch but made it a point yesterday. They acted like little children. It was the SOTU of “no we haven’t arrested anyone on epsteins list”

  4. Tantrum after tantrum, with a little "go to your room" action thrown in. These people are pathetic.

    Average Democrat Party person, THROW THESE BUMS OUT or you will suffer defeat after defeat.

  5. Tantrum after tantrum, with a "go to your room" action as well.

    Democrats, THROW THESE BUMS OUT OF YOUR LEADERSHIP or your Party will suffer defeat after defeat.

  6. I think Charlie would be happy and proud.

  7. Agree it was amazing. I hadn’t planned to watch the entire thing but couldn’t turn it off.

  8. Save Medicaid? Maybe dont give it to every f*(king deadbeat that can crawl across the border.

  9. American is back online.


  10. Trump's behavior Friday was nothing to be proud of.

  11. That was a very good speech. I am glad I voted for him 3 times. If I could I would do a 4th. Just hope Vance does not become like Trumps last VP.

  12. I loved the "Musk Steals" signs! Exactly WHAT is Musk stealing? He's working for FREE! He's putting money BACK into the bank! If Musk DID steal anything, it was the taxpayer money he used to keep Tesla alive... Oh. But wait... OBAMA GAVE MUSK THAT MONEY! Those stupid little signs might as well have said "I'm an IDIOT who SUPPORTS WASTE, FRAUD, AND ABUSE."

  13. And while Americans are watching the shiny ball of political theater. In the REAL world, SCROTUS rules piss ant district judges with no real authority to take and make these cases can actually control the country and the executive branch. Constitutional authority and separate branches be damned. Nope, no more stopping illegal or fraudulent payments. This will encourage these little fucks to do shit that no one can imagine.

    But don't worry the big game is on tonight and the alcohol and pot shops can deliver........

  14. If anyone has doubts about voting TRUMP, take a look at all those democrat women with their tantrum paddles.

  15. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyMarch 5, 2025 at 3:59 PM

    I've been hearing clips of many lib/left commenters this morning who are flabbergasted at the idiocy the Dems displayed last night. What pathetic morons.


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