Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Good MAGA ( Morning All Good Americans )!


  Well, he won.

Fuck the Harris and Dem supporters. No Quarter.

Last night, while I was checking the results, I thought, maybe it was a good thing they 

cheated and stole the election in 2020. The left totally exposed themselves over the 

past four years. Think about that time frame. It's only been four years and in that time

the stuff that has been basked in sunshine for the public to see.

  If Trump had won in 2020 he would be done. The left would have probably driven him

and the Republicans into the ground over the past four years of Biden's term. 

Instead we may have a chance of correcting some wrongs and driving forth our enemies

as we listen to the lamentations of soy-bois. ( I hate quoting him because he turned into a cuck)


  I am off to work, which I would be doing if Trump lost. Be safe, enjoy the respite, it's still

a long road.  Hopefully Reiner will spontaneously combust and the rest of the assholes will

fucking leave the country.  I will also add, fuck you massachusetts and fuck you to the libtards

that have invaded new hampshire. Fuck you.

I'm out, there is hope my 401k will rise with the economy and I can retire with some semblance

of life after years of hard work and not have to be eating Dinki-Di dog food out of a can.

I raise a toast filled with liberal tears.





  1. Now we have to see what the manipulators and grifters will do over the next 2 months, my guess is that there will be a lot of under the table fuckery.

    1. You can count on it. Jaime Ratskin has admitted it.

  2. I am SO looking forward to all the pardons that will be issued in January!

  3. Its a GREAT DAY for AMERICA! God bless Donald Trump, JD Vance! And God bless you Irish!

  4. I'm looking forward to watching that twat drinking poison on TV like she promised she would and all those libs leaving the country as they promised. Right, they'll just go on bitching and whining as usual.

  5. I’ve been making the rounds admitting I was wrong. I might as well say it here.

    I agree. No quarter. Channel your inner Nathan Bedford Forrest.

    I too am glad I can retire now that Trump has won.

  6. I’m glad Harris lost. Real victory however won’t be in hand until we can heal the division in this country. This is the greatest country in the history of humanity and those alive today have a ringside seat to watch its destruction as it sinks further and further into division. The adults among us must find some way to, more than just get along, but to prosper. Dancing on the graves of defeated political ideas may feel good but four years will pass. We must find a way to make this country closer, not identical, but closer in spirit, aims and goals.

    How to do this? I’m open to suggestion but if, like me, you want change, well you must be open to change.

    1. Oh hell no, I will not accept the whole trans thing which allows men to not only invade the privacy of women and allows mentally imbalanced males to compete with girls....nor the push to allow children as young as six or seven to mutilate their bodies against the wishes of their parents, and if those parents disagree with the “system” the kids will be taken away and put in foster care with degenerates.....
      I won’t agree that open borders and allowing tens of thousands of invaders of dubious national origin that only want to suck on the tit of my tax dollars is “good for America”....
      I won’t agree that taxing me and giving my money to electric vehicle and green energy is good for the planet....not to mention the war on wholesome red meat...”eat ze bugs”...nyet
      I could go on and no, I am NOT open to change.....
      Somebody comes to take my daughter or my squirrel.....nope.....get the bags ready......THAT is the only way this country will ever be made right again..if millions of patriots just don’t comprehend the evil of the left....there can be no compromise....Victori spoilia....

    2. And virtually none of that was what I was asking for. The bleeding edge of both sides would do well with some introspection but if you think you’ve attained perfection and any change on your part would be wrong, well…

    3. You did say put it down black on white....”but if, like me, you want change, we’ll you must be open to change”
      OK, my introspection is that every liberal that pushes their vile intentions on children, that promote sodomy and pedophilia, that champion their sadistic lifestyle while vilifying my Christian beliefs, that burn loot and murder in the name of “justice” for some thug.......And those that vote for the liberal democrats.....get the same treatment that conservatives have been subjected to......ridiculed, marginalized, fired, jailed, silenced, deported, ruined financially, .......for starters......
      I will not change by beliefs...........if that makes me wrong, “attained perfection” as you put be it.
      You can change and introspect all you want, go ahead......vaccilate, waver, give up more of your God given rights as a free American to the filthy vile democrats.....I won’t.......

    4. Cull first, then healing.

  7. Dow futures +1200 this morning. I might retire in 4 more years.

  8. So now the dems start blackmailing the new republican senate and congress to ensure nothing gets done.

  9. As I posted here before perhaps the smart money know the Greater Depression and America's bankruptcy was near and the Socialist Democrats want Trump and MAGA eat that shit sandwich.

    Like Hoover got blamed for everything so KNOWN Socialist FDR could come in with a snappy song "Happy Days are here again "".

    FDR was so popular that they changed the law so FDR got 4 terms. Talk about packing the Supreme Court time.

    Buckle up friends,time for "Mostly Peaceful but Firey " protest season.


    1. Michael @ 08.59:

      While I share your sentiments, it is important that we get the fundamental facts correct. FDR did not get 4 terms because "they changed the law". He got 4 terms beause he had the vanity to not adhere to a tradition of humility set by President Washington. The law (Constitution) was changed after FDR to prevent that from ocurring again. As we witnessed 4 years ago, whoever is pulling Obama's puppet strings discovered a work-around.

  10. On some level, the system works.

    Harris was a narrative. A construct. Everyone hated her guts until the palace coup, then she's the second coming. I think the best name I heard for her was a black dude on X calling her "madam lock-a-brutha-up".

    There's a constant here that I've observed over the years- the stiff never wins. She was the evil sister in law, or ex wife. She needed to prove she's a person, but she isn't. She's a construct. Meanwhile, Trump and Vance go on Rogan for three hours a piece and demonstrate they're normal dudes. Guys you could see having a beer with.

    And keeping with tradition, she was too weak to talk to her supporter when it was apparent she had gotten shellacked.

    It's a happy day. I'm still headed to buy more ammo. One never knows, do one.

  11. Allow me to apologize for the state of New Hampshire voting in the majority for harris. As a resident of the once free state I am appalled at the rate with which liberal massholes are moving in and taking over. I wish I had an answer for how to stop the invasion of my corner of earth here, but I don't. Perhaps if enough gun owners practice often and loudly, the commies from massholechusetts will go back from whence they came.
    Anyway, congratulations fellow deplorable garbage. Time to take out the trash and get us back on track.

    1. It's the same with the eastern part of PA. Since the completion of I-78, it's an easier commute to NYC than it was from Long Island. Now that part of PA is inundated with former NY residents.

    2. To me the problem isn’t new yorkers. The problem is manhattanites

    3. Same with maine. they've flooded the coast.

  12. To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women


  13. America is being unburdened by what has been.

  14. No matter the outcome of the election it was only guaranteed to lead to the real most important time for choosing in our lifetimes. Choose wisely.
    Ephesians 6:12 makes very clear who/waht we are fighting. Evil does not bide by elections nor the whims of man. Matthew 24:26 tells us no one knows the day nor the hour except the Father. What lies before us may well not be the end of times but or most it may surely feel that way. Continue to prepare like your very lives depend on it becuase they do and pray.

    St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

  15. It seems that all of New England and NY have gone the communist route.

  16. he fat lady hasn't sung and the Democrats aren't done. I'll believe it when he is inaugurated.

  17. Israel is safe again
    Praise god and all our dead service men

  18. careful. calls for "no quarter" end up with piles of skulls like the khemer rouge.

    do not become the monsters we claim to fight.

    1. I don’t confuse snakes with rats.

    2. “like the Khmer Rouge”? You equate the resistance of what is good and right to the godless heathens of Cambodia.?....peace, peace,....quails the voice of dithering metrosexuals who would sell their offspring to the devil in the hope of “peace”.....

    3. yes, like the khmer rouge. because they thought they were right and just.

      we say "no quarter" and either we don't understand what that actually means, or we DO, and we think rounding up our opponents and killing them off is acceptable. one is ignorance. one is evil. which are you?

      if you do not think it can happen, then you do not understand human nature.

      “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
      ― C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)

    4. You are delusional, “no quarter” means that in battle or when attacked, fight to win and use every ounce of strength and wits to achieve victory....not rounding up everyone who doesn’t agree with you. Typical quisling, hyperbole and theatrics....
      If you want to live under the rule of democrat barons.....go ahead and roll over and show your white belly....I prefer General Curtis Lemay.........

    5. Typical quisling response....hyperbole and theatrics and pearl you give the Khmer a pass because they thought they were right? Then you equate patriotism, Christianity, conservatism, morality, and all that is good and right.....with those who perpetrated the killing of millions of innocents?
      Go ahead with your delusional definition of "no quarter" to include rounding up enemies? How do we know they are our enemies if they are not trying to marginalize, silence, ruin, and kill us? No quarter means in battle I will not give up until my last breath leaves by body.....and if my enemy believes the same....then I will try with all my heart and soul to accommodate his last breath......
      Then you quote C.S. Lewis completely out of context in regards to the battle between good and evil in this country.....go ahead and live peacefully under the rule of the democrat barons if you wish.....give up and sleep soundly in your bed at night knowing that brave and better patriots are fighting the good fight while you slumber.....

  19. "I'm so looking forward to decorated lamp poles," quoth the raven.

  20. This is a battle of Good vs Evil. Only Jesus Christ will have complete victory over evil. But we are admonished by Scripture in Deuteronomy to "put the evil from among us". We need some Biblical justice for those who bore false witness and persecuted DJT and his supporters.

  21. I have been reading about and observing through clips on X and other places the sweet music of Demonrat tears ALL DAY. Now, we have to be cognizant of the dirty tricks that Demonrats will conjure between now and inauguration day and beyond. They're not going down with out a fight, even though they were thoroughly trounced yesterday.

    They have a plan. They always do. That's one of the big differences between Demonrats and Republicans. Like the Phoenix of mythology, they will rise from the ashes of this campaign.

    So, we get four years of a semblance of normalcy with reducing prices for energy and the down stream effects that will have on the economy. Remember that the biggest cost input to the economy is energy, in all it's forms and commodities. The more raw supply that is available, the less expensive energy is.

    I'm looking forward to gasoline under $2.00/gal again and grocery prices back to almost where they were four years ago.

    The good news is we'll never see Kamala on the political stage again. Last night drove a proverbial stake through her political career. Oh, the MSM will give her air time for whatever codswallop word salad she cares to spew, just like Hitlery's been getting since '16, but she won't ever be a force in Demonrat politics again, EVER. Thank the Lord.

    Then there's 2028. What happens after Trump?

    Are we going to be subjected to another round of Demonrat malfeasance at 1600 Penn Ave or can we work to ensure that when they start to rise like the phoenix its head gets cut off?

    This country and more importantly The People, for they are The Country, can not endure another four years like what we've just been through. Not ever.

    There's another pitfall trap waiting in the wings with the economy. There have been rumors circulating that the Demonrats, in league with the swamp and big money on Wall Street, are going to crash the economy and blame it on Trump as early as mid next year. I don't see that happening, but you never know with snakes like what we've seen in the last 15 years.

    So, the ancient Chinese proverb/curse is in play: "May you live in interesting times".



    1. One other thing. I've seen some references in various places to "what is Trump's agenda for day one"? Personally, as his first act I think Trump should pardon every one of the Jan 6th political prisoners and order that anyone still being held pending trial or still in prison be released on Jan 22nd. The pardon should indicate that they're records in this matter is expunged forthwith.

      No excuses like "we have to complete the paperwork" etc etc ad infinitum Demonrats slinging their usual boolchit. It should be as simple as hand them the belongings they arrived with and walk them to the prison door.

      That'll stick another finger in Demonrats eyes. Oh, there'll be huge push back from the sycophant press, like always. Trump should then make a simple statement. I'm invoking my privilege as defined in Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution.

      In other words Fuck You. Stronger message to follow.

      What're they going to do? Impeach him for carrying out a privilege of the Presidency that is defined in the Constitution? That'll go over like a fart in church.


  22. 76 more days. I'll relax once the inauguration is over.

  23. Salu! From a fellow granite stater! My thoughts exactly, couldnt have said it better

  24. Like the Road Warrior reference.

  25. And fuck all the blues who moved here and are doing their best to Californicate our beautiful State of Colorado!

  26. You have accidentally reinvented the whole “Q” movement. Heh..

  27. A couple points we all know but may not always keep in focus:

    1) DJT's most significant accomplishment is exposing the rampant corruption in our government.

    2) Hi-tech (through the Internet) has removed the lock that the traditional, corrupt media has had on America for far too long.

    KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid).

    Thanks, Irish, for doing your part!


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