Tuesday, September 17, 2024

It is just a sign of a "bad raising"

not this man's horse


Where I come from it is compliment to say someone was "raised up right". Locally, that translates into an offspring was brought up by what social standards considered proper and taught the value of most things that make life worth living, hard work, etc. When I first saw this story I wondered what had influenced this man's life and instilled these things the media is reporting as his backstory. Now that the second assassination attempt is past us, we who follow such things brace for the onslaught of theories from experts, anonymous sources, interviews of neighbors, classmates, coworkers,  etc. We learn all sorts of details about this man named Routh. I am not sure of his title, if any. According to reports, he is the guy who had an AK at DJT's golf course.  I could care less that this possible graduate of  the MK Ultra program has kept a horse in his home. That fact only adds to the long list of Communistic-Liberal fringe accomplishments he has achieved that reads like a "Who's Who" of lunatics.   I took a horse in the house one time. After my mother was through, I never did it again. Her maxim was humans inside, animals out. She said "taking a horse in a house just shows signs of a bad raising".  Story


  1. The weerd one is the negro tranny with bright purple hair.
    Seems everybody even remotely associated with the media these days needs killin'.

  2. I can't stop chuckling, i hope we don't end up hearing the horse was one of his lovers. After all he is a Democrat

    1. The offspring of a horse and an ass, frequently a mule, is usually sterile.

  3. My question: Was the horse litter boxed trained? If so, how large was the box?

    1. The entire house was the litter box! What did ya expect?

  4. Why don't we ask Tim Walz . I hear he's real good with horses...


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