Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Coach calls it like he sees it


Sen. Tuberville says "they're trying to kill Donald Trump" and calls for stronger measures naming the Navy Seals/military as protectors

Tuberville told host Larry Kudlow “we have such a mental illness problem in this country .. and they’re counting on this to happen, I’m telling you, they’re counting on it. They don’t want to protect this man.”


  1. Right now I wouldn't trust anything associated with the Federal Government. Because they'd pick the protection detail members.

    I'd go to DeSantis and get some Florida State Troopers.

    1. Go private and include the FL LEO on membership and planniing.

  2. Hi Jeffery and Irish,
    Yup!!, We know, they know, we know they know and they know we know they know and everybody 150 years from now... "If anybody is alive then".......will still know the truth!!!!!
    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out!!!!!!! But!!!, it does take a rational, clear mind.... something the "Left" aka as "Communists" don't have.......
    I can't help but wonder what the late Mike Vanderboegh's take on all this would be??????

    Audentes, Fortuna, Iuvat,

  3. I am pretty sure they could find a bunch of guys with the background to handle it. there are a lot of vets and "others"
    that have the right history and skills to do a better job than the clowns are doing right now.
    get about 60 or so guys for 5-6 months at maybe 1-200 K . that gives you a 20 man "shift" with 2 as back ups
    and vet the locals that help out with basic stuff, again, use VETS who know how and you can TRUST.
    just remember this, anyone can be gotten too and turned if you willing to go all the way.
    everyone has a weak point that some prick will use against them.

  4. That is the straight skinny right there.
    The time has long past for traitors to be put where they cannot harm the nation.

  5. I hate it when politicians make comments like this. It devalues people who are highly trained in protective services (and I dont mean SS, I mean Blackwater). Politicians thing people are interchangeable. One tough guy (Seal) meant to kill people and break things, is just like a PP professional.

  6. Strategically, it's time for a false flag "retaliation" to remove their failing candidate, enact gun control, and blame/frame MAGA for it. I play chess too...

  7. They're gonna keep trying until they kill him.

    The left and specific members of the current and former regimes before Trump are scared shitless that he's going to retaliate if he gets in office again. Obozo, Bribem and Hitlery have committed FAR FAR more (qty) and more egregious crimes than Trump is accused of. Yet, those three and others(Comey, Strzok, Page, the Vindman bros. etc. etc. ad infinitum from the Obozo/Bribem regime that means you) are all still walking around free AND NO ONE'S SHOOTING AT THEM.

    Over the last decade or so attacks on .gov officials have all been carried out by Demonrats against Republicans or if you prefer far left liberal loons against conservatives. In fact, through out U.S. history, it's been Demonrats shooting at and/or killing people in government and other high profile public people that had the temerity to challenge their policies: Lincoln, JFK, RFK, Reagan, MLK and now Trump have all challenged the Demonrat/Communist/Globalist/Banker agenda and been shot at or killed for their trouble. Yet the far far left Demonrats are the ones calling for the removal of conservatives/Republicans just because Demonrats have a different vision for the country and the world. Not to mention, they are continually accusing Republicans/conservatives of the exact dirty pool they themselves are employing against citizens.

    One has to wonder why and how no one is using the same tactics against people on the left. I can think of at least two that this country and the world would be better off without in government. There are others. No, I'm not going to name them, three letter weenies.

    and no, three letter weenies, the above is not a threat. it's thinking out loud free speech. Far as I know, that's not a crime, yet, even though Hitlery said recently that it ought to be. It's always the pot calling the kettle black.

    If you're looking for people to investigate for domestic terrorism; why don't you go after some soccer moms who protest at PTA meetings or Catholics(but not pedophile priests and bishops, they're off limits). Those people are about your speed.

    You weenies wouldn't know a domestic terrorist if one was walking down Fifth Avenue with a drum fed AK and a bomb vest in the middle of the day. Oh, one recent lesson you weenies learned, camera's are every where and can and will be used to embarrass the chit out of your feeble attempts to harass citizens that are just speaking their mind.


  8. Now, ask yourself, if you were a billionaire and were in a position where people were trying to kill your ass would you trust your life to proven gov’t clowns?

  9. They won't stop trying


  10. If Trump wins the White House about 90% of the federal government stands to be prosecuted for crimes ranging from election interference to treason. They are a motivated bunch of MoFos. October is going to be exciting.

  11. BlackRock was hired to do the job.


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