Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Witchhunt For Richard Dreyfuss.......


A theater in Massachusetts issued an apology to customers following an appearance by Richard Dreyfuss on Saturday night which caused many to boo the Oscar-winner while many walked out on the performance.

Dreyfuss, 76, was appearing at The Cabot in Beverly, Massachusetts, for a question and answer session followed by a screening of Jaws, the mega hit which launched his career in 1975. 

It's unclear exactly what the actor said, but some of those present say he made 'sexist, homophobic' remarks. 


and HERE<<

and the 'money shot'-- from the Daily Mail article

After the event, the theater issued an apology to all those who had bought tickets. 

'We deeply regret that Mr. Dreyfuss's comments during the event were not in line with the values of inclusivity we uphold at The Cabot,' the press release began. 

We understand that his remarks were distressing and offensive to many of our community members, and for that, we sincerely apologize.' 

'At The Cabot, we are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of our community.* The views expressed by Mr. Dreyfuss do not reflect our beliefs, and we do not endorse them in any way.'

'We take full responsibility for the oversight in not anticipating the direction of the conversation and for any discomfort caused.'

*pause and wait for the hypocrisy......


  1. The Lefties are going wild over this one, but they'd better get used to it. The country is sick of Pride Month and the blowback from last year is probably just the beginning.

  2. Sooooo........all the "funny (in the head) people" are upset by what he said.
    But no one can tell me what he said.
    Got it.
    President Elect B Woodman

    1. They can’t tell us what Trump did wrong either, but HE’S GUILTY!!!!!!!!

  3. ' ........ we are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of our community. '

    But only if they espouse the same far-Left views as we do . All others we shun, cancel and trash their reputation .

  4. this was not a boating accident

    1. Good "Jaws" reference. - Nemo

  5. I think it was some of his best work.

  6. Soooo, opposing views to the Didn't Earn It agenda are NOT allowed. Who knew. - Nemo

  7. Seems there are a disturbing number of people, who have been conditioned to respond as the mindless multitudes did in Orwell's 1984

  8. Being old is great you can say what you want. How long before we see the listing in daily job cuts, “Cabot Theater, Beverly, Mass. closing”

    1. I would not bet against the fact that the Cabot theater is receiving some sort of .gov handout? Where I live, there recently was an outdoor amphitheater that ran a play based on local history. It was a success until they figured their poor ticket sales were due to people not wanting to see the same play. By then it was too late. It closed down and the property/amphitheater/indoor theater/restaurant stayed vacant for 12 (?) years. Recently a local politician requested for some fed/state monies in the name of our county seats "arts council". This arts council is very small. I would doubt the membership exceeds 25 people. Just sayin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,at least it ended up here and not in the Ukraine or one of the numerous hotspots around the world where the US has assets deployed.
      What would you think a liberal tracked theater in MA could obtain under a similar program?

  9. It's Assachusetts so it's to be expected.

  10. I got your inclusive environment right here, you're all crazy.

  11. It can't be because Richard Dreyfuss is a Jewish conservative, a Constitutionalist who loves his country, could it?
    These are the same mindless Karens who are going to vote again for the poop-in-the-pants marionette currently residing in the White House

  12. A Close Encounter of the Turd Kind?

  13. Anybody have a link to what he said?

  14. I hope somebody uploads cell phone video.
    YouTube viral, in 3, 2, ...

  15. Fuck the commie freaks. The dogs of war are frothing at the mouth to be let loose.

  16. IF ANYONE can send me a link to give Mr. Dreyfuss my sincere kudos, I would appreciate that greatly. xringer22@sbcglobal.net

  17. Nifty and ironic that those that demand an inclusive environment are the same demanding the evil white guy be silenced for his speech. Remember kids their violence is free speech and your free speech is violence. America was not designed to govern these uncivil or immoral hoards in power or those they allow to invade..

  18. Good on the lad. Spoke the truth.

    The audience--

  19. Beverly MA used to be known as "Skagtown" for it's massive amount of heroin addicts.

  20. Dreyfuss is a liberal dink, and I’m happy as heck this happened to him. Maybe now he’ll know how it feels next time he runs his mouth about some leftist cause.

    1. Did you even read the article? Dryfus sounds more conservative than liberal to me.

  21. According to the New Hampshire Bulletin, he said Hollywood women are indecisive, that Barbara Streisand was stupid for not taking his advice once, and that he thought that the parents of a 10 year old confused kid who help him "transition" are doing him a disservice.

    Which, in the article, is referred to as "vitriol".



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