Monday, April 1, 2024

Every Day Is April Fool's Day It Seems. Here's An April Fool....




 H/T to RK





  1. didn't last a minute before my blood pressure started going up. not something I need really.
    and as anyone with 2 working brain cells can tell, this shit is not working out for the "people"
    illegals and everyone crooked , yes. if we do manage to have and hold a election thus year, I will be amazed.
    if there is not a red wave that puts a stop to thus insane shit. the country as we knew it is gone.
    even with a red wave, it is going to take a lot of work to get back to what we once where. if we ever do.
    a whole lot of brainwashed kids out there that need to learn otherwise. that alone will take years to undo.

  2. And I watched the entire 2 hours 22 minutes of this fool.... APRIL FOOLS! (actually made if for about 10 seconds)...

  3. Those two aren't just April fools, they're 24/7/365 fools.......

  4. I usually read comments to decide, but I'm Not watching either of them voluntarily, so I checked comments and Surprise,Surprise,, I chose well. I don't need a BP spike either.

  5. OK, I clicked on the link, saw the pic of those two criminals, that was enough for me. I don't need to listen to two hours of their boolshite to know that whatever they're selling is lies, Lies, LIES.


  6. I made it 41 seconds, that was 40 to many

  7. I just LOOKED at the TWO useless mouth breathers and dropped down to read the comments - did I WIN??

  8. That was painful to watch. I almost felt sorry for that stupid POS.

  9. 5 seconds, I had no desire to see the continuous fool.

  10. There's a difference between April Fool's and April Idiots.


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