Thursday, March 7, 2024

Some Memes Of Various Varieties To Get You Through This Thoisday....

















  1. Who’s the author of the Harvard Magazine excerpt?

    1. some dead moron named noel ignatiev

  2. I saw the "Meaning of Life" - its ALWAYS the Salmon Mousse!

  3. OMG I'd give good money to get one of those Dixie Special Valiants!!!!

  4. What goes on there? I’d tell you but then I’d have to kill you.

  5. I always liked the AMC Rebel.
    Now that's a car that you never see much about.

  6. Hey, Irish,
    Pardon the O/T comment:
    Does Google now require you accept "cookies" to upload images in a post?
    Had it happen before but it appeared as malware, which I described in an essay titled "Notes on an unidentified flying hack" on my blog. It just started today.
    Appreciate your answer.

    1. Every once in a great while I get something that pops up regarding, if I remember correctly, the cookie policy of the EU. I'm not sure if it is due to a link or embedded item in a post. Sometimes it just goes away or I will log out of the blog and log back in. If this is what you are referring to. If you read this, let me know.

    2. Thanks, pal,

      My Blogger account began with a hotmail acct' sign-in. That was before Google bought Blogger. Then about a year ago I get this malware lookin' pop up that won't let me post. In essence, they wanted me to switch to a Google Account to log-in. I tried a way around it (cut and paste) to which they replied we own all your posts!
      Push come to shove, I had a couple gmail acct's - not no more! No sync on my god dang phone, neither. It was some little nut job at G was on a power trip.
      I wondered if it had something to do with my content or links (under "asymmetry" and "news").
      I'm aware of the GDRU policy you mention and a few others. I describe them in the "Unidentified Flying Hack" post - and a few other things. ha ha ...
      I've been involved in the "shit" for about twenty years. People just noticin' now?
      Sorry, brother, I talk too much ... take care.

  7. The history of the Oklahoma panhandle is worth looking up.


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