Monday, March 4, 2024

Ex-KGB agent/defector makes dire predictions for the U.S. of A. way back in 1984. These are interesting times.


                                                             I Think We Have Arrived    

This has been around for a while, but I do not recall seeing it myself. The guy being interviewed was a KGB agent who defected. He was  a real "mastermind in the ways of espionage". I believe this interview is from 1984. The same guy would probably have a heartastroke if he could see where we are today (Beyond Communism???) I first saw a clip of this guy over at 90 Miles From Tyranny . There are several out there.



  1. Oh, yes.

    I saw this guy years ago, well over a decade.

    Scary then. Terrifying now.

    But the thought occurs… how did Russia escape the consequences of all their people being brainwashed, instead of a few? This should frighten Russia at least as much as us, if not a lot more. Shouldn’t it?!

  2. and we have people on our own side that will follow a KGB colonel straight to hell..


  3. The KGB guy's 1984 interview & Orwell's tome titled "1984" telling us what's coming and we ignored it because we didn't want to face reality. Now reality is facing us.

  4. Paul Harvey knew in 65 when he produced "If I were the Devil". There have been numerous defectors over the years that confirmed what we knew. We watched as they foisted Obama (a hardcore red diaper baby marxist) on us and were told we were racist etc. ...

    Now lets get to the vids were they tell us the only way to get rid of the infestation......what is coming is real and biblical n scope

  5. Heads up guys. A pretext is being laid out in front of us right now. An article stating that the fb! is searching for an Iranian terrorist who has been trying to recruit extremists to @ssinate high level politicians in retaliation for the killing of Solemani. ie Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump Trump. As a result, both have been given extra security details.
    This sets the stage to not only remove Trump, but to also give them their war with Iran. It would also cause young American patriots to enlist in the military in droves to avenge.
    Thus solving the problem of recruitment being down.
    One needs to ask why they released the story now , if they have been searching for this man for years. They are setting this up to have an alibi and a win win situation for themselves
    By discussing this as much as possible, we have the opportunity to expose them and ruin their plans .
    We all know how they manipulate things in the shadows, and only by shining a light on them out in the open can we stop them. I pray that I am wrong, but this is too convenient a story for them and it only came out after scotus decision on Monday. Always ask yourselves two questions about news ; who benefits? and why now ?.

    1. “ It would also cause young American patriots to enlist in the military in droves to avenge.
      Thus solving the problem of recruitment being down”

      Calling bullshit on your comment because of this part. But, we all need to help this Iranian guy based on his targggett selection

    2. ps when he’s done with the 535 of them he needs to move on to tree letter heads and work his way down till he gets to the commenter

    3. Oh. ... noes? (sigh) anyway...

      hmm? oh.

      The attack on Iran is lustfully yearned for. As is a winter march across Russia. But too -- far, far, too -- few American (white) bois, are jumping feet first at those Chinee manufactured wood chippers. At least not under "legal orders" from Shaniqwastein (dead-named Darkanda, who could only get gender affirming "care", while remaining on The United State dole, iffin' xe "served" in The Military[TM]). Not, while under putative command in chief of Brandon, the Forgetful.

      They will, however, PROUDly lead (not follow) Shaniqwastein through the wood chippers of Hell, under the putative command in chief of Donald, the MAGAt. Just like they did twenty-odd Axis of Evil(TM)s ago.

      The Donald's fine. Just like the train. And right on time for the station. Just like... You know what? Sah-loot! An heroes. Better to fight them over there, than have to fight them over here. (If that's ambiguous, to you -- you're not quite as dumb as you seem.)

  6. If you prefer the written interview, then it is here:


    Scroll to the bottom of the page for parts 2 and 3.

    Phil B

    1. Doh! Wrong link. This is the correct one.


      Phil B

  7. Bezmenov was correct when he did that interview, and he is still on the button. The lefties, of course, pooh poohed what he said, but they did their best to make it go away. They knew they had been outed.

  8. I have been trying to get people to watch the videos of him for a long time. So many people are so complacent and do not understand the insidious nature of the left and just shrug off the little things. Those little things add up into big things and before you know it "BAM" it is too late.


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