Friday, March 1, 2024

Irish Heritage Month




 h/t to C.




  1. So that’s where my love of dark humor comes from

  2. My g-grandad went to Ireland and found a bride. (Good man)
    So I'm only 3/8th Swedish. The other half being Russian.

    Given a touch of the blarney, I once talked a waitress in Galway out of her shirt. My now ex was not amused.

  3. Better Irish than Women's History.

  4. Don’t forget the Scots-Irish, or Ulster-Scots. Though not pure of Irish stock they did indeed acquire the Irish spirit for fighting. That, and along with the Scots bloody stubbornness, they along with their Irish brethren hewed a wilderness and cobbled together with the Irish the greatest nation in the world.

    God bless the ancestors whose blood courses through our veins.

    1. Scots is what we are. Scotch is what we drink.

    2. Being the family hails from Co. Donegal, which is in Ulster but is now part of the Republic, I’d say they all would be in a hearty disagreement with you. Ulstermen are very proud of their Scottish roots, thus Scots-Irish. Scotch is something you drink such as Glenmorangie or Dalmor.

  5. All I know is my fav character in Braveheart is Steven. Movie sucked til he arrived. ; )

    1. Indeed. Are those voices in my head bothering you? Dark places in our hearts, indeed.

  6. Ah, so it must be my Anglo/Saxon genes that compel me, every March, to find an Irish family to starve until they let me have their (over 18) daughter.

    1. Centuries of dead Anglo-Saxons prove otherwise. You must be thinking of the Welsh.

      Or the French.

  7. Us wee Irish, a contentious lot and will fight you for just about any reason, actual or perceived...

  8. God invented alcohol so the Irish would not rule the world.

  9. Where unthinking generational hatred is an art form. And the glorious Irish spirit of cooperation, where everyone works together closely until there’s a tiny opportunity for advantage, and then it’s back stabbing time.

    1. No, they're just independent thinkers. It's why they made such great Americans. And it's not unthinking. They know who's tried to take over their island for millennia.

  10. My boys bought me a St Patricks Day shirt. It says: "So this Irishman walks out of a bar..........no, really, it could happen.

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_O3cCs9qmM

  12. For good or bad I'm only a 3rd generation American on my mothers side from a family of regular Irish Catholic immigrants. I've heard and read all the stories about freezing and starving on the subsitence farm where they eked out a living up in Northern Michigan. They worked hard but produced an amazing amout of food on 240 acres. They still thought it was better than Ireland.

  13. This is a new one on me. I'm half Irish. Mom's maiden surname was Monahan.

    Her mother retained her brogue unto death at 102. The brogue was much reduced, but still evident. She came to this country when she was a teenager. I have no idea what part of Ireland she was from.

    One of my sisters was born on St. Patrick's Day. Mom was always pleased as punch with that.

    Speaking of punch, my mother was the only Irishman I've known that didn't drink. She said she disliked how it made her feel. Probably for the best with a large family to attend to.

    So, can March double for white people's month? Nope. It's also Woman's History month.

    Have a happy - Nemo

  14. My poor Irish mother is rolling in her grave at what Ireland has become, it’s not looking good for their future. - Roaddevil

  15. Actual Mick living in the occupied 6 counties.
    We have beauty and horror
    Poets and morons
    We stand on our own land
    Visitors are welcome but
    No invader can stay
    We brought Christianity back to Europe and the World
    Maybe we’ll do it again


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