Friday, March 29, 2024

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.... Taste It...












Stay safe out there and enjoy the Easter weekend.  


  1. Nice run in place on 18, nice bouncy on 23, 29, 43, nice looking older lady on 46, 69, 90, 91, 113, 114, 131, 144, nice muscles on 61, nice Victory At Sea on 63, nice classic look on 87 (and, yes, I mean the bush, too), nice oooops on 89, nice Paris In The The Dark (from ~65 years ago) on 92, nice muscles on 94, nice fox in the bush (or vice versa) on 100, nice all-over non-tan on 102, nice crack on 116, nice spigot on 121, hi, Raquel, nice "Here I come, honey" on 151, nice man's other favorite treat on 165.

    Damn, now I have a hankering for beef ribs too.

  3. This site needs a warning banner. "May cause whiplash and tendonitis from feverish scrolling." Great, as always.

    1. Now you're calling it "scrolling"?

  4. "Yes, I'd like to order one #56 with a #7 and a #20." Wow!

    Your effort is always very much appreciated, Irish. Thank you!

  5. Thanks Irish. My favorite page.

  6. Great lay out! No Airplanes!!!!! Chief.

  7. Once again my weak effort to find appropriate superlatives for your weekly spectacular labors to entertain us, ok me, old perverts is much appreciated. Another nice gaggle of redheads and many gifs of flashers and plain ol' bouncing boobs to titillate my(our) fancies, along with Detroit iron and delicious looking food.
    Thanks and have a great weekend.


  8. You posted another pic of the tattooed pincushion AND AOC?!!
    You just fuckin' with us, ain-cha?

  9. 1 - I was teethed on pork chop bones. So, I know his reaction well.
    5 - POTN 2nd Alternate
    8 - WHY? This is the kind of stuff that Wirecutter pulls.
    9 - Yes indeed, that is a huge bitch. Wouldn't be the worst I've ever done......
    14 - It is always the quiet ones.
    25 - POTN 3rd Alternate
    32 - About the only thing she would be good for. OK, maybe two things.....
    34 - Talk about cooked to perfection.
    39 - Barbi Benton - Hospital Massacre
    41 - My MILF of the Night
    42 - She Hulk is kind of pretty.
    45 - What a wanton slut. I like it.
    50 - I thought it was San Fran party favor pack.
    52 - POTN 2nd Alternate
    54 - Beautiful original 1969 F-250 High Boy .
    58 - Those are just about perfect.
    59 - 1971 F-250 with a Ranger package.
    62 - Almost exactly. You were the one that sent it to me!
    65 - Barbi Benton in Hospital Massacre
    67 - Adrienne Barbeau in 1982's Swamp Thing
    70 - Linda Harrison as Nova in 1968's Planet of the Apes
    71 - A young Cheryl Ladd
    72 - Kelly Lebrock made Mad Science an all time movie classic.
    73 - I know of a 68 coupe, just like that, a guy refuses to sell. Been sitting there as long as I can remember.
    79 - Looking like a roll in the hay is in my future.
    80 - Sabrina Lynn - I think I love her. My crazy redhead POTN.
    90 - MOTN 1st Alternate
    92 - Dianne Chandler 1966 December PMOTM
    97 - June Palmer English model/actress of the 50's - 70's.
    100 - Might have to rethink this whole furries thing......
    101 - POTN 1st Alternate
    104 - MOTN 2nd Alternate
    114 - Memorex MILF
    135 - Just plain old Memorex
    137 - Raquel Welch
    142 - Tanya Roberts in 1982's The Beastmaster
    146 - Probably the nicest rear I've seen all night. Definitely the only one I'd get to touch, without getting slapped.
    157 - International T-6 Traction Motor tracked farm tractor. Even has a PTO below the seat.

    What a great way to start my weekend.
    Two awesome Bump Sides and plenty of beautiful women, great food, memes and humor.
    What's not to love?!
    Thanks, Boss.

    Whitehall, NY

  10. I just came here for the articles.

    1. Funny I remember saying that 50 years ago.

    2. I actually said that to a young lady during a "brief" affair many years ago. It might have been in the next breath I claimed that rib-eye steak was a good source of protein. Which it is.

  11. "When a women says smell this". My wife's still laughing her ass off. Well done, again, sir.

  12. #8, I have, never, ever, been desperate enough, or drunk enough to be with a skank like that.
    Bear in Indy

  13. A stunning collection of delicious food, righteous automobiles, and, yes beautiful ladies (except # 8).
    As always, Thank You.
    Happy Easter weekend.
    Bear in Indy

  14. As usual the Crazy/Hot ratio is getting a workout! Well done Irish 👍🏻
    A fine selection as always.

  15. 8 actually makes 32 look rational and desirable. 135 is the real blessing from above , double plus WOW on 135

  16. That one wearing the fox ears had me looking for the peanut butter….

  17. #142, Tanya Roberts. While Beastmaster was a lame movie, I always like the parts where she showed us what she had. Died too young...

  18. Still looking for the "scratch & sniff" app

  19. I'm in love!!!....with the International T-6.

  20. Nice job on 168. Excruciatingly ambiguous....

  21. #8 is what you get when herpes evolves into human form.... UGH!

  22. Another great collection!
    That GTO Judge is fantastic!
    7 is the magnificent Tanya (or Anna) Song. She's modeled under both names.
    14-you always find the best coffee girls!
    Sandra O at 46
    Most of the others I recognize have already been pointed out.
    I don't know 55, but I wish I did!
    Thanks for all you do!


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