Friday, January 12, 2024

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.... Let's Get This Started.....








 Stay safe out there and enjoy your weekend!!


  1. Had the same Bronco pick up set up in the mid 80s ( who knew they would go through the roof$). And the Pheobe Kates camel toe for the win…

  2. Nice everything on 18, nice nightwear on 23, 24, nice pear on 30, nice looking older lady on 34, 81, nice essay on the value of marriage on 55, nicely equppied hooker on 69, nice goose bumps on 77, hi, Anita, nice quiver on 120, nice wobble on 124.

    1. Number 17 looks like she has a lamp sticking out of her arse!

  3. Another great Friday selection. Thanks, Irish. I'll take 28 and 82, I'm not greedy.

  4. FWIW, #85 is Denise Clapton - and she was born male .

  5. #134 FTW! Nice set, thanks, Irish!

  6. That elevator gif had me roaring. Another excellent collage from the Master of Friday night entertainment.
    Thanks and have a great long weekend.


  7. #17 - Photography rule - be aware of the background
    #29 - I've played with one - it sucked
    #35 - Badge?
    #99 - Heh
    #101 - MTM? Not a good look
    #102 - That'd make a great paint job on a plane
    #180 - Fast Times

    Enjoy? Too damn cold!

    Wonderful collection, as always.
    - Mr. Mayo

    1. Yeah I was immediately intrigued by the light pole sprouting out of her ass, since I always thought that was where the light don’t shine.

  8. An excellent start to the weekend Irish..! Lotsa nice hide, four wheel conveyance and two wheel iron ! Inspiration for meals and toys that make me recall the awesome childhood I had growing up. I had a large hot wheels collection up until my mom discovered the track made an expedient ass whooping device.. after a few behavior modification events, I gave all the tracks away and only kept the cars. The Jeremiah Johnson meme sounds better and better with each passing day though my beard looks more like Bear Claw’s and isn’t the color of Pilgim’s any longer. The elevator meme is friggin’ hilarious! I went through a phase that nearly had me wearing blinders by decree of senior management myself.
    Thanks for the weekend kickoff, I look forward to it every Friday !


  9. Who is that between the orange bug out vehicle and the steam train?

  10. Great lay out.
    A Hurricane, Corsair and a Curtis. Thank you

  11. Some one should tell that one girl that is supposed to be a floor lamp

  12. Sorry I got held up for about an hour on jiggle boobs about 20 from the end . Thanks, it has been a rough week

  13. Outstanding effort tonight. Beautiful ladies, all.

    That Cheetah (112) is the one thing that would make me cut up my old C3. I’ve been looking for a kit for a few years now without success.

  14. 1 - Great. Now you flooded it.
    2 - '37 - 39' McCormick Deering TracTractor T-35 : 4.6liter/6 cylinder gas engine // TD-35 : 6.8liter/4cyl Diesel
    6 - POTN 2nd Alternate
    13 - What an awesome little camp. Quite cozy.
    14 - Sunoco Blue, I'm hoping.
    17 - Those eyes.
    20 - POTN 3rd Alternate
    28 - The quintessential Vermont deer camp. An old bus out in the woods.
    29 - Not only were they loud, they never seemed to work.
    30 - DAMN! POTN 1st Alternate
    31 - Daaaaah, dum......
    33 - They just keep getting creepier.
    34 - MILF or GILF? Either way, I'm good with it.
    35 - FedBois - but we already knew that.
    36 - Never give a warning. They can be used at your trial. Cited as "premeditation". As a rule: SSS !
    43 - I'm glad to see Bear Claw Chris Lapp made it out safely.
    44 - Catherine Bach rocking her Daisy Dukes.
    50 - I always crashed those damn things.
    55 - sigh.... AI
    57 - Vought F4U Corsair
    58 - Intended to be a boxing game, but changed to robots after the 1963 death of fighter, Davey Moore.
    61 - Both look like a fun ride.
    63 - Lynda Carter at the Miss World finals in 1972.
    66 - Snowmobile heaven.
    68 - More AI....
    70 - Rare Mercury M100 Crew Cab.
    73 - Get off my lawn. Zipperhead!
    74 - I don't know which is more appealing - the '63 F250 or the cherry Bump Side box in the background?
    75 - A Resto-Modded Gen I Bronco, taken almost too far.
    79 - Sweet 1972 F350 Camper Special.
    85 - Another GILF
    86 - Alexandra Guilmont - Mexican model / actress
    87 - More AI.....
    88 - Looks like a lot more fun than I've had. EVER!
    94 - Those are absolutely perfect.
    95 - Gwen Singer - Only Fans glamour model.
    100 - Anita Ekberg - Played Helene Kuragina in 1956's War and Peace.
    101 - I never remember Mary Tyler Moore looking like that?
    102 - Seems to be the Official Boeing Repair procedure since the mid-2000's.
    103 - Marilu Henner in 1978's Bloodbrothers
    106 - 'Liz Mongomery in 1963's Johnny Cool, as Darien 'Dare' Guiness.
    108 - Phoebe Cates and Jennifer Jason Leigh in 1982's Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
    115 - '49 Fordson Major E27-N with a Roadless Traction LTD. , half-track conversion.
    116 - Ana Cheri - Playmate video model turned fitness/lifestyle/glamour model.
    118 - Aw, fuck no!
    119 - MILF of the NIght
    120 - Wooga, wooga, wooga
    122 - Lucille Ball, 1944
    123 - Susan Lynn Kiger - Playmate of the Month, January 1977.
    124 - Yup. she's shy....
    127 - MOTN 1st Alternate
    129 - Pussy. Should have gawked right off the bat. Then say : "WOW, look at her ass!" Assert your dominance!
    131 - My POTN!
    132 - MOTN 2nd Alternate.
    140 - Bill Waterson was a genius and a hell of an artist. I miss my daily Calvin and Hobbes.

    Another wild weather week in the books - almost.
    Another storm like the last one rolling in.
    Hopefully you don't get hammered like last time.

    Great collection, as always.
    Thanks, Boss.

    Whitehall, NY

    1. After reviewing Jerseygirlangie's comment, I'd like to retract #85.
      Between trannys and AI; you just can't trust anything, any more.

      Whitehall, NY

    2. Leigh, since FFF is about showcasing physical beauty, Denise (photo #85) presents as an attractive, stylishly dressed mature woman with no visible ink or piercings. The fact that she's not technically female almost seems to be a relatively minor matter !

    3. I'll pass, just the same.

      Whitehall, NY

  15. 112; what the fuck is it???

  16. Replies
    1. Undercover Fed posing as a Trump supporter, showing his badge to another cop.
      Another one of those "things that didn't happen" .
      The whole thing was Kabuki Theater.

      Whitehall, NY

  17. #1: ISWYDT with Let's Get This Started…..

    it’s been a long day, and that gave me a chuckle, so thanks for that.

  18. Shit, almost forgot it’s Friday. Dammit, well it was

    1. 43 wow I made it. Now I’m famous.

      Leigh, made it out, fuck that we’re headed in. Got a cave up on the muscle shell. No panther though, Just a couple cougars.

    2. 44 Daisy, my my, but not in her dukes.

    3. 64 Road it when I was a yonker. 102 That’s funny shit right thar. 129 Funny shit as well.

      Hell of a great set Irish, another good mix.

    4. I love Cougars. Unfortunately, I fall out of their target age.
      Better to have you out there, than in here. We will need a place to fall back to, to regroup.

      Whitehall, NY

  19. #102: Extra large/giant size duct tape seems to be the way to go anymore. Zerohedge had an interesting story about the Alaska Air incident. Turns out the cockpit door blew open and the flight deck was exposed to a lot of mayhem also. Had the plane been much higher than 16,000 feet the outcome likely would have been total disaster. Boeing, the once proud engineering company, went to hell when they merged with McDonnell Douglas and the bean counter mentalilty won out, which is pretty evident given their unending chain of fuckups. For a multitude of reasons I decided quite a few years ago that I no longer have any desire to fly anywhere.

    1. Personally I don't think it's the bean counter mentality as much as a bunch of young engineers and engineering managers who think designing aircraft to meet .gov standards is a game of "how can we dupe the .gov inspectors". Remember when, during the last Boeing design disaster that actually killed people, a bunch of internal Boeing engineer emails were revealed where they were bragging about having duped the FAA flight worthiness inspectors? Did any of those guys get fired?


    2. There is never any one, single simple answer to explain how this once-great company came into the current situation. But it also included hiring individuals with degrees that say "engineering" on the parchment, from countries where people still sh&t in the streets - to save a buck (there's those bean counters again).

      As a retired guy with an engineering degree from that big, now completely woke state university in NJ - I saw the hires from other shores slowly creep into the technical departments where I spent the 30 years before retiring. And most were book smart but had difficulty understanding which end of a screwdriver did what.

  20. Some excellent screen savers in that group. All very good for the soul.

  21. Drive in, that was right at the Petaluma line. It is long gone as are the two other drive ins in San Rafael. Spent some time there but I missed seeing that mustang!!

  22. #99: Neil Peart, the Great Drummer of the band Rush!

    1. That actually is a surprise to me. I didn't know that.
      Very cool.

      Whitehall, NY

  23. Every time I see one of those split bumper Camaros I cuss myself for selling mine but then I walk into my shop & see my 55 Bel Air I forgive myself.

    1. And *I* curse myself for having to sell my '57 two-door and 4-door hardtops! Times were tough, unfortunately.

  24. Dad, where did that green abomination of a car come from?

    Well son, you see once there was this AMC Gremlin who fell in love with a '67 Corvette, and they loved each other very much. . . . . . .

    1. I'd be more inclined to think it was a Pacer, Steve.

      Whitehall, NY

  25. Love the vintage ad with Neil Peart! That must have been in between his stint in England and the Rush audition.

  26. Splendiferous as always!

  27. Chevy Cheetah, the answer to the Cobra. Too bad the plant burned down shortly after production started. A true mid-engine design, the driver had to sit over the rear wheels. Powered by high-ouput 327s as I recall. If you want one, first you've got to find somebody who wants to sell one. Or build your own like Stacey David did on an episode of Gearz.
    The Hurricane looks like it's on a carrier's deck. I like the Corsair pic as well!
    Is 24 Sarah Jean Underwood?
    Thanks for all you do!


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