Saturday, April 15, 2023

Regarding Bud Light and Current Events....













  1. If you take the cowardly path you become cowardly, and vice versa. We in America have been staying on the cowardly path, allowing nonsense to propagate. Be brave, since fear is contagious and courage is contagious.

  2. "Woe to him that calls 'evil' good.....

  3. Mulvaney wants to be a girl? Make him a girl. He needs to be moved to the head of the line for eunuch surgery with a rusty pocket knife.

    Did you read Bud's CEO non-apology?


  4. One question. Who opened the dam holding all the transgender nonsense? Ten years ago, didn't exist. Five years ago (I could be wrong, I probably didn't pay attention at first) the first trickles of inanity.
    Today, it's everywhere every single day.
    I'm hiding in my house with my horde of John Wayne movies, which they'll have to take from my cold dead hands.

  5. Did you read Bud's CEO non-apology? Weasel Words and squirming.

    The CEO of Anheuser “Butch”, who approved this abomination is more concerned about Anheuser stock prices and market share.

    He has put his pro-Trans debacle in front of America for all to see.
    His divisive actions placed Transsexual perverts above his customers, stockholders, distributors, employees and lastly the Values of 98+% of Americans.

    You stated that you traveled the country listening to and learning from customers, distributors and others.
    And you came up supporting mentally ill transsexuals as an advertising campaign?? Just what did you hear?
    You heard what you wanted to hear.

    Are you listening to your customers, Distributors, stockholders and employees now?
    What are you hearing?

    The losses you created are well deserved. Go Woke, Go Broke.
    You and your sick marketing guru should be fired by your stockholders.

    1. I agree with everything you wrote. The unfortunate part is that in 3-6 months InBev/Budweiser's market cap will be back where it was a week or so ago.

      Example - Look at Nike's market cap history before during and after to date of the Caperdink fiasco.

      The real blowback is at the distributor level. These are local, family owned, small to medium sized businesses some of which may not survive. Maybe that's the real plan.


  6. All by design and it's working. Oh look squirrel. I wish the blowback was fully a silent killer like the millions out there doing what is necessary and not making it public, instead of acknowledging it. Be the Gray Man

  7. "Who cares if you're a grown man that wants to put on dresses and heels"

    Your greatest, existential, enemies... are the self-identified "us". That want you to surrender to them. That tell you to surrender to them, because you *refuse* to extirpate "us". No matter what "we" do.

  8. Seems to me that this is America’s “Sodom and Gomorrah” moment.

  9. No. It's not that he acts like a preteen girl. It's that he is actively trying to encourage kids to follow in his footsteps. Children should always be protected from pedophiles, gay groomers, and transgroomers.

    In 1920, my great grandfather hunted down a flasher that was in the neighborhood. In 1970, my dad beat the hell out of a guy who reached for my dad's junk in that bathroom. Don't come after my kids or my grandkids.

    1. Get busy Skippy and quit yapping

    2. He will, the second he catches your perv ass sniffing little girls, hope you like soup!

    3. I hope nobody is stupid enough to post that they took violent action even "anonymously". Even if the blog never finds out who wrote something, Google "one moment please" certainly knows. Always remember communication security. Always.

    4. Sgt Schultz is my mentor

  10. The real problem is yall don't cry hard enough. Don't get me wrong, you do cry. A lot.

    Its just not enough. Try harder lmao

  11. The Constitution of these United States is designed to govern a civil and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for any other, John Adams. This is the common denominator of everything this republic currently suffers. Reality is no longer available from those that are more equal than the rest. Please plan accordingly.

  12. “Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
    As to be hated needs but to be seen;
    Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
    We first endure, then pity, then embrace.”

    ― Alexander Pope

  13. The strange thing is, I am 62, almost 63 years old. I worked in an industry that was vital to national defense for over 35 years. Sometimes spent 60 plus hours a week, for months on end at that job, in order to keep making steel for the investment cast and aerospace industry. Yet I have never been invited to the White House to talk with any president to express my opinion on any issue that was important to the people of America.
    But did you know that last October, FJB, I mean President Biden invited Dylan Mulvaney to meet with him at the people's White House? And gave him an audience, where he discussed trans rights with the POS?
    I understand that some adults do suffer from form of gender dysphoria, for real. And I know that there are some who instead of transitioning, have learned to love themselves just like they are, gender dysphoria and all. Knowing that God made them just the way the are, and embraced that, not wanting to change it. Those that I have read of went through a period of discovery and yes, often struggle. But who doesn't go through that, during their transition from child to adult? Puberty is hard for anyone, with hormones raging, and with males becoming aroused when the wind blows, and some females having similar issues with mental stimuli.
    I have spoken with my wife a number of times, about just plain gay or lesbian people, and we seem to have reached the conclusion that a limited number of people actually are born with that tendency, while a large number of them simply are more conditioned to become that, due to social pressure and a desire to fit in with the societal forces that rewards those who "come out" while those who identify as heterosexual are often, in todays society are looked down upon, as not being "woke" enough or somehow what we used to call a square.
    So while estimates used to say that the percentage of gays are about 10%, I think that a more realistic estimate is closer to 1-2%, with the rest being more of a social construct, with people choosing that sexual identity just for acceptance in the liberal society that they desire to be a part of.

    1. That much text is guaranteed to be pure nonsense


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