Friday, April 14, 2023

Meanwhile, In An Ivory Suburb, An Indoctrinated Indoctrinator Proudly Wears Her Stupidity....



 A Friend of Irish's was behind enemy lines in a Starbucks ( yes, I gave him shit ) located in

Massachusetts Town.

He had the pleasure of listening to a libtard.


Said town is South of Bawston with these demographics:

Estimated median household income in 2019: $120,000

Estimated median house or condo value in 2019: $580,000

This "teacher" was talking loud enough that FOI knew her occupation and she was bitching about the kids

and couldn't wait to go on vacation. What caught his eye was T-shirt.

I bet if any of that list ACTUALLY happened, she would Martha's Vineyard the new incumbents or

try to self extricate.......

You can unpack the rest for yourself :)


  1. Self loathing white liberals will be the death of us all. Malcolm X was right about them.

  2. Shirt should say Future Collateral Damage Statistic.


  3. All trash matters

  4. From behind, it looks like she ate her kids.

  5. Lemme guess: A bitter, hateful, self-destructive, insecure, skid marked, naive, mean, lonely, classless, butt ugly, fat ass democrat desperate for attention, quite likely a lesbian atheist? Good to know there's more than a 99% she/he/it's fully vaxed and boosted for Covid. Not sure about Parvo and rabies.

  6. Ah, the old "Wokeness for thee but not for me" gambit.

    Morons, all.

  7. The military has certain minimal mental standards (or, at least, used to)
    why aren't there minimal mental standards for individuals teaching our children?

    1. only thing easier to get a college degree in is journalism

    2. Your average teacher graduated in the bottom third of their college class.

  8. any takers on a bet she's a mud shark and has four brown kids all with different fathers?


  9. Number one will result in her stupid a$$ getting beat, number three will result in her stupid a$$ getting replaced, and number four will result in me laughing when she calls 911 and her stupid a$$ gets a counselor dispatched. Number two will only hurt the kids she's supposed to teach.

  10. the blouse accentuates her voluptuous back titties

  11. It'd take a mule two days to plow her back.

  12. The leaders of this. Lamp posts. Way up High.

  13. Really, Irish, you or FOI are gonna hide the race of said leftist.

  14. Check that statement, I saw the elbow. She won't know what hit her in the near future.

  15. All I see is 15 gals of biodiesel, catfish bait, and a big enuf sheet of leather to reupholster the bench seat in the f250..

  16. Saw a shirt like that worn by older female bicyclist in Marshfield last week. Not far from Starbucks. Deep behind enemy lines.

  17. A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

    Marcus Tullius Cicero

  18. Was her name Mr Garrison?

  19. And here we see a perfect illustration of one of a myriad of reasons I left Massachusetts. Pity, since I really enjoyed the climate.

  20. They can all go to hell.

  21. Tell me you're never been mugged without telling me that you never been mugged....

  22. I honestly, can't wait, until all of these State Governments financially collapse and all of these worthless "Fart Sniffing" gov't workers are tossed out on their collective asses; and forced to compete in the real world. In the real world, we don't get 4 months of vacation, Cadillac health care, and pension for life. We also actually have to work evenings and weekends to! Oh.. and we don't make $100K per year to teach some nig-nog how to do basic math/ play a Kazoo!


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