Thursday, January 12, 2023

Remember: Every advertisment. ad, or newscast you see is a psyop.

 Watch as this CNN host "lets the cat out of the bag" during the "interview". By the way, AOC's brainstorm about banning gas cook stoves was not her brainchild. It was what she was programmed to say and Epstein didn't hang himself.

I saw this first over at Wired Right


  1. In my opinion this is just another distraction. They want to distract away from all the classified material that is being found in Obiden’s possession so let’s light a fire on a gas stove ban. That will keep the peons busy while we make this other thing disappear.

    1. Well, it is the Communist News Network and it is a pysop.
      On that note and in light of the recent Biden cache of classifieds being found where they shouldn't have been, I bet the Trump docudrama goes dark in the very near future. Of course, the whole regime is as crazy as a run over dog and they might try anything. .

    2. Absolutely a distraction just like everything you see and hear. Dave Rubin and Charlie Kirk as well as any other name in the media are all grifters. Think about it, if their livelyhood depends on you the listener they are a grifter.

      If you spent the same amount of time sitting in on a discussion with family, friends, people you don't know or people who come here we would all take away something that would better our lives.

      If we did that all this media distraction would disappear, would that not be a good thing.

      Bear Claw

    3. Plus the dumbass guy said methane. you ever breathe any methane? DUMBASS

  2. Who in the world still gets their news from the lame stream media? More and more people wake up everyday to the fact that they're just the propagandist arm of the state.
    If anything comes of president poopypant's classified documents, it will be to pave the way for the next leftist wackjob in line to steal the election.

  3. Can't keep their talking points straight

  4. The truth is easily repeated. The lie almost never comes out in the same words when it is repeated, unless it's being read from a script.


  5. These fools are giving more propaganda for the Deep State and UNIPARTY and just make their end come faster. Natural Gas, Propane, and other forms of gas are better ways of providing cooking and heating then electricity. The issues of people being affected by side affects will also happen with electricity when cooking and as anyone knows there is venting and windows in homes to provide clear air.

    1. You are correct JG. The idiots pushing "Climate Change", Green Energy, banning cow farts, etc. don't seem to understand how much coal and natural gas are burned to generate electricity. It is the same idiocy with electric cars, recycling, wind generators, and other feel good notions. They sound good, but the mechanics to make them work are not viable and often do more harm to the environment than the proven methods of generating, storing and utilizing energy. As far as the media goes. I avoid it for the most part. I have never been a fan of CNN and do not remember the last time I saw it. Those outlets are all the same. Even FOX is only allowed to say what their handlers let them. Along those lines, I have a friend who is ultra conservatives who tunes in to CNN regularly "just to see what the enemy is up too".

  6. Anyone who watches CNN is too dumb to understand.

  7. If it comes from Lame Stream Media, it's propaganda, regardless of truth content.

  8. Rubin is controlled opposition sea eye soopaghey


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