Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas One and All.... It's Dusty In Here...


Merry Christmas morning to each and everyone one of you that lurk, comment, email, and call.

You all are the reason I continue to post on this page. 

I caught this clip last night before putting on my cap and settling in for a long winter's night before

having to throw open the shutters to yell at some fat guy on my roof.


Watch for dust or allergies....








  1. Wifey and girls preparing Christas dinner down the hall, got to hide up here for a while till i can get the onion juice out of my eyes.

  2. This is good. There are so many decent people in this country. Good must overwhelm evil.

  3. Yep. Awesome ๐Ÿ‘Œ. Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ… from Ohio

  4. That kid in blue showed a wonderful amount of heart and compassion. It does my heart good knowing that kids like that still exist.

    Thanks Irish and Merry Christmas!

  5. That's a young man with good values, raised right. Bless him and his parents.


  6. Merry Christmas to at Feral nation. Nemo

  7. Love this - proves not all is lost

  8. Love this, and the kid in blue didn't make it too easy for him. The kid in red had to use what strength he had to get him down and roll over. Good match for both of them. Does my heart good to see kids show compassion like that.

  9. There is hope in the world.

  10. Damn you Irish.
    My eyes are leaking!
    Merry Christmas Buddy and thanks for all you do for me.

  11. The guy in blue is not only a man... he's a true gentleman. Kudos!

  12. Irish (and Everyone), Merry Christmas!! Thanks for what you do! As Tiny Tim would say, God bless us every one.

  13. The young man in blue, his parents, and the coach deserve high praise.

  14. Merry Christmas everyone.


  15. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  16. Can't see too well right now so please excues any typos. This event and mnay others like it are the biggest reason the wef can all go to hell. prreferrably tomorrow. God Bless everyone and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and absolutely rebellious New Year.

  17. Thank you Irish. Merry Christmas to you and yours from Australia.

  18. There is hope for our civilization. Well done to the parents.

    Irish, Jeffrey, Merry Christmas and thank you for all the great posts.

  19. All the best, sir, and thank you for all you do.... and for this video posting. Not all who wander are lost. We have much to do, so we'd better get to it.

    Mike in Canada

  20. Merry Christmas Irish and Jeffrey. Thanks for all you do.

  21. Human kindness is overflowing
    And I think it's going to rain today

  22. Stupid reminder I have to dust....Thank you for the video and Merry Christmas!

  23. Something in my eye, wow, needed that. Merry Christmas. Hybo

  24. Blessed be His Name on the day we celebrate His Birth and give thanks there is still humanity in many of this world.

    Bear Claw

  25. A perfect example of giving of oneself for another! Thanks, I needed a good eye moistener!!

  26. Takes a lot to water me eyes. At Christmas Mass a mother rolled in her daughter with the same disease. Kinda changed by focus. Prayed hard for that family. We have so much to be thankful for, don't we?

  27. Excellent! My 'ol Alma Mater does things differently when it comes to deciding who the homecoming queen and court will be. Candidates are nominated by seniors, then juniors, and if it isn't full, by sophomores football players. Then they are voted on by the entire team. Out of a large field of nominees the team unanimously elected a sweet wheel chair bound girl with MS. As the girl was crowned during the halftime festivities, a huge dust storm hit the entire stadium.

  28. Thank you for this Christmas gift. There is a dad and mom, who ought to have a huge grin on their face knowing they are raising a young man to be a true gentleman. It was heartwarming.

  29. Belated MERRY CHRISTMAS Irish and Jeffrey, and to your readers and all who comment!

  30. This young man's parents deserve an award. But this is what high school athletics should also be teaching young people, before winning. Well done, to the school this young man is representing. They are turning out student athletes, with an entire world ahead of them, with a head start on the others who don't have the character.


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