Monday, December 12, 2022

♫♪♫ Memeing in the night.....♫♪♫














  1. Great set my friend.
    I'm still chuckling at the Trekkie Ad.

  2. I am SOOO stealing the last one!
    President Elect B Woodman

  3. I'd love to see a duel between Ann Lesby and Titania McGrath.

  4. If I was on twitter I would tell Ann Lesby, PHD, that I had a white female cat named Blackie (which I do), just to watch her head explode.

  5. Via Anonymous, I accidentally deleted this comment:

    Couple good serious questions right there.... Musks twitter exposure shows without a doubt illegal actions by government employees and elected officials. When will we be charging these criminals and holding prime-time made-for-TV jury of their peers trials? I mean, the dems did that with nothing but manufactured evidence for J6th, and here we have reams of eMails and meeting notes detailing their exact crimes.

  6. Tiedrich is an idiot agitator. He will be starving soon if he does not die suddenly of his own doing before that.

    Bear Claw

  7. Kevin McCarthy has been appearing on conservative news about how the R's in the new CONgress will be "investigating" all sorts of stuff. He's doing that because his projected Speaker-ship is in big Big BIG trouble. The newly elected R's in the house know he's as compromised as Bitch McConnell.

    He's also quietly put out the word to whatever press will cover him, the fear factor that if he doesn't get full R support "the Demonrats will choose the next Speaker".

    Hey Kevin, I'm from Missouri or is that Misery?

    They can investigate all they want. With a Demonrat run DOJ, nothing will happen, as usual and the MSM won't cover any of it.

    Where's JOE McCarthy when we need him?


  8. No matter how your steak is cooked, you have the freedom to use sauce, or not, and either way it is no one else's business. That's why I LOVE AMERICA!


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