Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Meanwhile, In Heavily Vax Mandated Queensland...





 This "tweet" above was on my feed last night.  These comments were down at the end of the thread:







  1. Welfare Check😂😂😂🆗
    Totalitarian Speak.

    Auusy and NZ LE has gone off the rails with heavy handed tactics since the Woof.
    I’ve no sympathy.

    “Some People just wanna be left alone”
    Perhaps… this should be heeded.

  2. This headline and story, which is coming from the police, who are notorious liars, is missing facts.

  3. Ha, thought there were no civilian guns in aussieland.

    Bear Claw


  4. i'm curious to see what happens here if xo biden or the usual governors start ordering lockdowns, vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, etc again. what are the cops going to do? what is the reaction from the public going to be?

    1. I suspect that once the die off of the vaxxed accelerates and becomes undeniable to most people, then the resistance will increase accordingly. Even now, the evidence is there for those who want too see it. The multi vaxxed and boosted are generally sick all of the time with colds and such and even the very thing they are supposedly vaxxed against. Meanwhile, the unvaxxed resistors go along nearly unscathed. The rampaging respiratory ailments affecting children since the vaxx campaign was extended to the very young is also telling. I notice people no longer ask or care about vaxx status outside of a formal organizational setting. Things have come a long way since the witch hunt against us and the "Winter of Death" threats from the White House. A year later and they are mighty quiet. Another year and they may all realize they were deliberately poisoned.

    2. I admire your optimism, Anon, but even out here in the sticks I know people who have had loved ones die (I mean murdered) and they still don't see what's happened. People who are young and have died from heart attacks, middle aged active healthy people who went to the hospital with the flu or pneumonia and never came out.
      It's very difficult for people to imagine their government would kill them and not care.

  5. Several weeks to figure out!!

    If only we had not hidden in fear when the stazi showed up in the middle of the night. Had we grabbed hot pokers, shovels and axes and given them fear of not returning to their families. (or something like that) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was precient in his statement.

    I bet this will put a different mindset in those totalitarian lockdown officers just following orders.

    Bear Claw

  6. If the Police were on a Suicide Jab Compliance "welfare check" they and their chain of command all deserve to die.

    1. They were responding to a missing person report and were ambushed, fuckwit. It was a trap.

    2. I dare say "anonymous" might just be a butthurt tin-starred PIG who helped enforce draconian anti-Constitutional vax mandates.... You getting nervous "fuckwit"?.... Good.

  7. Notice the difference in propaganda between Australia and the US?
    They show the cops with pictures of puppies, flowers, all nice and smiling....and then they completely failed to show the worst possible picture of the "murderer". In the US the find the worst possible picture that makes them "look" like a criminal instead of a montage of him smiling, dressed nicely, etc...

  8. Sounds to me like someone had enough and decided to perform a public service, tried to get the real party sparked...

  9. It is terrible that young police officers have died, it is even worse that those who have ordered the destruction of freedom and Liberty have paid no price for what they ordered:
    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

    ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

    1. Beat me to the posting. Indeed, when you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose.

  10. I'm betting this was no "welfare check". It was an ambush, poorly executed. Properly executed the ambushees wouldn't have had time to call in "shots fired". The ambushers won't be learning from their mistakes.

  11. since when is the media to be believed !

  12. Will we ever know what actually happened? Unlikely. Look at the recent Idaho murders. Either the investigation is being done by completely incompetent people or, there's something going on that will never be made public.

    1. I'm voting for the likely murderer being the son of the mayor or similarly connected. The entire thing smells.

    2. @Drake's Place December 13, 2022 at 12:42 PM

      "Look at the recent Idaho murders."

      Why don't you do that, cupcake.
      Just reading that caterwauling's wasted too much of everyone else's lives.

    3. @ AnonymousDecember 13, 2022 at 4:13 PM

      Two sentences too much for you?

  13. '... who were just doing their job ...'

    1. The SS soldiers running the concentration camps were also "just doing their jobs."

  14. I think that the folks noting the mention of one of the shooters being a teacher suffering a recent heart attack hit it on the head. Vid quote: "The 46 year old had been the principal at a primary school in Walgett until the middle of last year (~July 2021?) before suffering a heart attack; that's when his mental health reportedly deteriorated..."

    Vax was mandated for Aussie teachers officially in November 2021; they dropped the requirement mid-2022. Guess this guy was an early adopter (probably pushed to "lead by example" as the principal by higher ups), had his heart attack shortly after vax, and put two and two together, probably consulting with his "conspiracy theorist brother".

    Dude went missing Dec 2021, shortly after the mandate - guess he wasn't going back for another shot. "Mental health deteriorated" = code for "said stuff they didn't want to hear". Holed up with his brother and his wife who had guns (possibly illegal); cops showed up, they assumed they were screwed, did a last stand.

  15. Why does it take 4 cops for a welfare check.

    1. When it's the middle of nowhere and miles and miles from help, only a fool goes it alone.

  16. The story is much bigger than that although it was an ambush. 2 of the 3 perps were pushed out of their jobs for vax refusal. Suddenly no money. A perp was trying to expose systemic cheating in school literacy and numeracy. A & B were brothers. A married C (female) who later left him and married/cohabited with B. A, B & C happy with this and went their separate ways. B always a bit of a hothead but no criminal convictions. They killed 2 cops, injured 1, 1 escaped. Neighbour shot and killed but by cops or perps? We don't know. 4 hours later SWAT team came in, "told them to surrender 3 times" (yeah, right) then executed them. Media has outpouring of grief over cops and demonises perps which is not the general sentiment of the population. Lots of unanswered questions - cops were off duty vs authorised overtime, all were minimally experienced. A & C were senior teachers for many years and working and living in some of the most difficult places but getting results and hadn't seen each other in years. What B did is not known.
    Would it have happened if 2 people hadn't been forced out of employment by gov vax policies? Of course not.

  17. ZERO sympathy for any tin-starred lackey who helped enforce vax lockdowns. Too bad their entire fucking bloodline wasn't eradicated.

  18. Nothing wrong with killing Nazis... even if they're just following orders or doing their job.


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