Wednesday, November 30, 2022

End Of Month Meme Dump....








 Now the good news!!



  1. Dammit, now I want to go back to bed!

    1. You watching CNN?

    2. You're watching CNN. Change the channel...

  2. The memes about money laundering military aid in Ukraine are rubbish. We don't send money for that. We send weapons and material and there are US troops working through the Attaché's office to insure it gets where it is supposed to go. While there may be a metric ton of people that believe the lie, it is still rubbish.

    1. How the hell do u know? Are u the person handing it out? You dont know either way.

    2. Yep, it is all accounted for.
      Uh huh.

    3. I want some of whatever it is that you have been smoking.

    4. Sorry, but QM is correct. I too fall at times for right wing memes that are not accurate (most are!) and I researched this thoroughly and the Ukraine did NOT launder money from the USA back to FTX.

      I do not think it helps us folks on the right when we push something that isn't accurate - dearth of truth, facts and accuracy is best left to the demonKKKrats.

    5. The democrats are famous for "never letting a crisis go to waste". Laundering money back to themselves is way more believable than not. Only question is how much of the kickbacks went to the proverbial Swiss bank accounts. Can anyone point to ONE high level democrat and say with a straight face that they don't reak of total dishonesty and corruption? Only the totally committed useful idiot refuses to see the obvious.
      What a fool believes he sees no wise man has the power to reason away.....

    6. Remember when all of those Demonrat pols went to Ukraine, Kiev specifically when it was under attack by the Russkies, before the election, including Nasty Piglosi? Also remember that while they were there, the bombs and missiles mysteriously stopped falling and resumed shortly after they left.

      Ask yourself why would a Demonrat go to an active war zone, if not to collect bags of cash.

      I know, just another conspiracy theory. The only problem with that is that ALL the rest of the so called "conspiracy theories" over the last 7-8 years have been proven true.

      So, there's that.


  3. Let's see, Big Dick Anon has been saying that the Ukrainians have been arms dealing those weapons on the black market since February. Even to the Russians. Where did that money go? Also the Dem's have a history of sending pallets of cash on planes to the region. (see Obambi's last days) What makes you think they wouldn't do it again.

    1. AREN'T DOING it again.

      There. Fixed it for you.

  4. Weapons we sent have been showing up for sale on the internet for over a month. We sent a bunch of cash, too. Bank transfers are easy to trace, but apparently a lot of money was converted to crypto via FTX. Micheal Rivero at whatreallyhappened.com says, "The last official act of any government is to loot the country." They're gettin' warmed up now, I think.

    1. I am not the smartest person when it comes to international politics and how transfers of military aid happen, but from the fiasco of the Afghanistan withdrawal, it is obvious that we do not currently have anyone in the chain of command who either is willing or able to manage it very well. I suspect that at least a portion of the aid comes in the form of weapons that we have given to our NATO allies in the area, which they transfer to the Ukraine, and we then either send money to Poland, or what other nation gives the actual arms over, or some such aid in kind.
      It would be illogical to physically send weapons systems from a long distance to the area, instead money via electronically bank transfer is the logical method. As I said, I have no idea of how such things happen, but Occam's Razor and all.

    2. I almost forgot, anytime the chance to skim graft from a program exists, the people doing the actual work of administrating it will make certain to use the easiest method to skim their share.

  5. Yep! Everything is on the up and up! Why, we have the most honest and trustworthy admin and political parties on both sides of the coin. On one hand the Progs and the brain dead President, on the other side the Ukes known throughout Europe as fine, ethical paragons of integrity and their Celebrity president. I'm confident that all of our contributions have been properly handled and accounted .


  6. Quartermaster: I think you have to open the observation window a bit,

    Ukraine: The country is small, poor, and dependent on countries like the US for support. If the government of the U S says put the first shipment into FTX, what do you do?

    Remember that Bengazi was supposed to be about reclaiming Stinger missiles sent to ISIS via Qatar. The thing about a nasty movie was a make-do cover-up.

    There are lots of ways to skin a cat. I think that the Democrats have mastered most of them. Nice comment about good supervision At the recipient's end. That does not cover the entire "playing field".

    Don't take the suspicion personally.


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