Friday, October 7, 2022

There's A Storm Coming....








  1. Indeed.

    Neocons, republicrats, and talking heads going full Slim Pickens rodeo.


    Anyone see Cindy Sheehan?

    joe tentpeg

    1. We MUST protect our PRECIOUS BODILY FLUIDS!!!

      We MUST not have a MINESHAFT GAP!!!

    2. "Anyone see Cindy Sheehan?" LMAO !!!!!!

  2. There's been a storm brewing for some time now. To my simpleton mindset, I'm afraid it will like hurricane Ian but in a global scale. Im more afraid for my sons, who have heard me say this for a long time and treat it like a zombie apocalypse movie and ignore.

    1. "Im more afraid for my sons, who have heard me say this for a long time and treat it like a zombie apocalypse movie and ignore."

      My word: I just said the exact same to my wife a few days back regarding our sons.

      Troubles me

    2. +1. Mine too. But as best as I can quantify certain intangibles they're about 85% there. All they need to add is MY sense of urgency. With each Day now bringing 3 or more abominations they're getting very close.

  3. Given the mammatus clouds in the picture, is that a reference to the upcoming Friday Femme Fatale Farrago?

  4. And it can't get here soon enough.

  5. It would seem, that the storm is all that is left to us. Would that it were not so, nor that it had come in my time; but if it must be, then let us be about the work, so that those who come after may have clear skies to oversee their toil.
    Mike in Canada

    1. I'm with you Mike. It's a long road ahead with many obstacles bit we'll get through it and open the path for thise behind us.
      Let your hand be steady and your aim be true.
      And pick up your brass. We do reload after all;)

  6. The header chick, and the lighthouse, Daz? Poser? You the artist? Not bad work on the volumetric clouds!

  7. My first reaction was that if you're landscape photographer, you live for moments of perfect lighting like that. The thought it could be computer rendering didn't occur to me. My wife asked if it was a painting and now I'm all confused.

    1. It appears to be an Adobe stock photo with the clouds added


    2. DuckDuckGo search for "mammatus clouds" and the backdrop they used is the third image. Or so it seems.

    3. Sonofabitch. The angle of the shadows, but more importantly the shapes of the waves in the foreground look like that Adobe photo except heavily modified in some sort of photo editing program. The Adobe shot has a big lens flare on the right that's edited out but the wave spray patterns look the same.

      In my DuckDuckGo search, it doesn't look enough like that 3rd picture to be exactly that, but once the door to completely created image is opened, it could be a different stock image.


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