Friday, October 7, 2022

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.... Fall Frosty Foliage Forays Forthcoming .....






   We have another submittal from Mrs. 44F. 

Take the number of PhD's to equal one good redneck friend 

Divided by the number of ice cold beers

Then add the number of issues that can be fixed with the radio........







Stay Stay Out There!  It's Getting Spicy Out There...



  1. Bravo! Bravo Maestro!

  2. Every week you raise the bar! This week's offering has to be an all time great. The flashers sprinkled liberally throughout, along with red heads and red fur and dark fur and saving the best of the week's memes for FFF, #39 Freeze B4 turning on the heat, that's me, WOW just WOW. You crushed it.

    Finding Ms. 44F was pretty straightforward. Thank You Ms 44F.

    Thanks and have a great weekend.


    1. Holy Hurricane Irish... Now that was a Meme and Pic Blast. Thank-Ya-Now!!!

  3. The Fire Snatch Fans should be greatly appeased this week!

    Nice work my friend.

    1. This 50+ retired Military Australian Bloke, (Aussie slang for a 'Male', and I fuckin' emphasise!,- MALE! of the Human species), that's Me, is monumentally stunned, amazed, every week, with F.F.M. - without exception. My very ancient ('bout 2010-ish) computer screen, (yep, that's how old I am), is within straight unobstructed three yard line of sight of my Missus as she checks out her favourite tv shows, she sees everything on my screen, every second, no problems, no bad shit here. Mate.....Mate, that's an Australian form of address by a Bloke (MALE HUMAN), who has a temporary problem remembering the names of other Blokes he's just been introduced to. Family, cousins, their weid/odd/ dribbling idiot partners, their pets, (acknowledge when necessary, even cautiously touch/pat once, then qquickly move away from, workmates and their friends, generally, at places where booze is safer to drink than water, and we all know what fishes do in water. ., that's why we call every Bloke we meet second time around as 'Mate ),

    2. This 50+ retired Military Australian Bloke, (Aussie slang for a 'Male', and I fuckin' emphasise!,- MALE! of the Human species), that's Me, is monumentally stunned, amazed, every week, with F.F.M. - without exception. My very ancient ('bout 2010-ish) computer screen, (yep, that's how old I am), is within straight unobstructed three yard line of sight of my Missus as she checks out her favourite tv shows, she sees everything on my screen, every second, no problems, no bad shit here. Mate.....Mate, that's an Australian form of address by a Bloke (MALE HUMAN), who has a temporary problem remembering the names of other Blokes he's just been introduced to. Family, cousins, their weid/odd/ dribbling idiot partners, their pets, (acknowledge when necessary, even cautiously touch/pat once, then qquickly move away from, workmates and their friends, generally, at places where booze is safer to drink than water, and we all know what fishes do in water. ., that's why we call every Bloke we meet second time around as 'Mate ),

    3. Mate, as I was typing a bit of a monologue, I hit the wrong key and 'disappeared' everything I had typed, do you have it, so that I can com0plete it?.

    4. Good morning Stuart, I believe the comments are posted. All the comments here are moderated due to trolls. My email is on the side bar if you feel like reaching out with any questions , comments or other thoughts or ideas 😀

  4. Why do I think that sign behind #72 read 'You must be this big to ride this ride"?

  5. #11 - nice cannonballs. Saw a Tesla last weekend with a "ROFLGAS" plate. What a dumbfuck. Oh, look, it's Maitland Ward! I kinda thought maybe we'd see Kitten Natividad this week.

    After yet another shitty week at work, this hits the spot. Thanks, Irish.

  6. 1 - Beth may be kind of scary at times, but I still want to be Rip. A great example of why we put it in crazy.
    6 - DAMN. Just wow.
    10 - So, how many read; supper?
    11 - Well, hello there, Hotpants! Now, you wouldn't happen to have a drivers license tucked down in there, would you?
    12 - Ponchinello
    16 - If they didn't want me to do this, they wouldn't have put fork pockets there. Right?
    17 - Smokin'hot, and she knows it.
    19 - Lynda Carter 71 years old and still looks great!
    22 - Jen still looking good for her age. I seem to like women of my own age group, more and more.
    30 - Oh, yeeeaaah. Channeling my inner Mike Myers - Would you like to touch my monkey?
    31 - The douche bag, hipster beard is just the expected icing on the cake.
    34 - Loni and Morgan. 1981 was a good year.
    39 - Typically, that is around 1 December. Later if I can help it.
    43 - Yeah, none of them are actually "fixed" by that.
    49 - WTH! Is that a tumor in her right armpit?
    53 - A Mexican Pro? Joana Benedak
    60 - Oh my. MILF of the Night right there.
    65 - POTN 1st Alternate
    66 - My POTN, the morning after.
    68 - POTN 2nd Alternate
    82 - Very cute.
    83 - December 1968 POTM - Cynthia Myers
    85 - Clean little genny Bronc.
    89 - Look like a lot of fun.
    91 - Mmmm, hot mom.
    94 - I like the concept. A tool box, but for beer.
    99 - That is really nice.
    101 - Karen Mifflin? FFFF veteran from 10.23.2020. SALUTE! Another POTM?
    106 - A set of 44F's if I ever saw some. Thank you Ma'am.
    107 - I would love to see all of that. Quite sweet looking.
    111 - August 1969 POTM - Debbie Hooper
    133 - NOPE. I'll do habanaro sauce, but hot just for the sake of hot, is ridiculous.

    A rather heavily flesh laden FFFF, with a lot of vintage Playmates.
    Not that I'm complaining.
    Thanks, Boss.

    Whitehall, NY

  7. 6 is when they're real and still that hard, can't believe 24 is real, nice tush on 36, 40, nice ploomp on 38 (can we see more, please?), nice everything on 50, nice fuzz on 59, nice looking older ladies on 72, 91, nice turrets on 76, didn't know Harlow was that built, nice bush on 86, nice undercarriage on 97, 115, nice bustle on 116,

  8. #9 is photoshopped. It's the Crystal Mill, outside of Crystal Colorado near Marble. It's the mirror image of the actual mill. Additionally, the lower part extends down into the Crystal River. I don't know why someone would do that, the mill on the river is spectacular as it sits.

    1. Glad you cleared that up, I thought it *might* be the Real Deal but wondered what the cribbing below the structure was for! Makes sense now.
      Silly me!!

  9. Guess 44F has a tattoo she doesn't want out there. I know a woman who has "Billy's Titties" tattooed inthat same spot. Good thing she's still married to Billy...

  10. Wow, very, very nice. You really are a connoisseur.
    Bear in Indy

  11. A cock fest! Y’all enjoy now.

    1. There's alway a panty pooper in every crowd.

  12. As always Irish, you make my Saturday morning, expect for the do math part when I'm hungover :))))))))

  13. I'm guessing that that can of Bud wasn't cold enough to count in today's puzzle?

  14. Just think the Bud Wei Ser girls were probably O naturowl, Canon Ball Run great scene. Thanks again Irish.

  15. Great effort!
    Building the '70s Dream Team there with Adrienne Barbeau, Lynda Carter, Loni Anderson, Morgan Fairchild and Barbara Eden!!
    Leigh got that perfect line from Canonball Run when Adrienne and Tara Buckman were pulled over by the busty trooper Valerie Perrine.

    I don't recognize many of the other ladies, but I wish I did....
    Thanks for another great collection!

  16. Call me old fashioned but I love a nice bush, specially that red carpet on #59. That's all there was when porn was 8mm reels.

  17. Always a pleasure. Thanks for the lift!

  18. Where did you find #77?

    1. probably on tumblr somewhere

    2. She looks familiar - any photos with her face?

  19. Anyone know who #56 is? She looks familiar


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