Friday, October 14, 2022

Summing Up The Twilight Zone...




And... You have to be able to decipher this flag after paying $100,000.00 a year for tuition. 








  1. Everything has to be destroyed in order to build it back better.

  2. What's with the two feathers stuck into the assole with the Clemson Tigers logo?

  3. I thought it was a butthole with feathers too!😅

  4. International flag of retards

  5. This would have been even better if the pajama guy; with his hot chocolate from last decade, was seated where the woman (can I use that term these days) is.


  6. To the Twilight zone meme above, I'm reading John Patterson's latest, titled "Blowback". I'm only a couple chapters in. The plot is a U.S. President, recently elected, is driven to insanity by the lack of respect and actual undermining/policy sabotage being conducted by China, Russia and Middle Eastern countries on U.S. soil. So, he turns the See Eye Aaa loose to "disappear" the perps all over the world AND more imporatantly on U.S. soil. He and the operators he's recruited to carry out the policy know and acknowledge that this policy is unlawfull, yet they do it anyway. Haven't gotten to the parts where the "Blowback" starts, but it should be interesting. This time, Patterson's presidential character is NOT a thinly disguised Donald Trump nor is he a dementia patient.

    ..and NO, I'm not trying to sell books for Patterson, a known USA/Trump detractor. I actually don't like the guy. However he does present some interesting ideas in his novels. So, it's a purely intellectual exercise reading his stuff ;-)).


  7. I can decipher that "flag" easily, right into the garbage.

    1. If you put it in the garbage, it could come back - better burn it to be safe.

  8. Hey Irish;

    If I was a parent and I paid $100,000 for that, I would have a serious case of "Da Ass"

  9. Imagine, if you will,
    That almost all ove the world is ruled by monkeys...
    and you are a monkey too.


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