Sunday, October 9, 2022

I Think God Is Shaking His Head.....









  1. Nuclear Armageddon seems to be the topic of the day. With the snooz and other sources reporting that US See Eye Aye and SF forces are on the ground in the Uke, there's now no limit to the fuckery that will be coming from there provoking this madness. Ad in the pipeline bombing and data cable cuts in the EU, we're on slippery downhill slope with both feet on banana peels. All in less than two years.

    ...and to think they stole an election to do this to us and the world. Well past time for the French method of dealing with bad government.


    1. there are a lot of undecorated lampposts in DC and the method is just as effective

    2. I prefer overpasses on the District of Criminals beltway and interior roads. Much more views per swinging criminal.

    3. Good God, Amen!!!!

    4. A bas les aristos! Faites-les épouser La Veuve!

  2. Europe must be happy about completely ignoring Trump: they'll be comfortable snug in their cold beds this year knowing that they can't afford to heat their homes, can't afford to buy food, and know that Germany only owns enough ammunition for a two-day war, after Trump told them to start paying for their own defense and to not go into bed with Russia.
    Nobody though, as far as I can see, dares to use the words "Trump told you so" because they will surely be censored.

  3. No...I think God is cracking his nuckles...

    1. I've a tendency to strongly agree with you.

    2. There was a really good article, think I found/read it over at NCRenegade.com, about some chilling winds, clouds, and Manhattan. God withdrew his hand from our nation on 9/11, was the jist if I recall correctly.

  4. Looks like they missed and took out the Jefferson Memorial or Hains Point Park. Maybe even Joint Base Anacostia, the US Naval Research Labs, or Alexandria.

    We really need to help the Russians guidance systems work better than that. A direct hit of the White House should not be that difficult.

    1. It was off course because Pedo was out there showing the hag that trick with the double barrel shotgun.

    2. >We really need to help the Russians guidance systems work better than that<
      Didn't the Clintons already do that?

    3. That was the Chinese that Clinton helped out with the Guidance Systems.


  5. When FJB spoke about being close to 1962, and basically an Armageddon, I could almost feel his handlers in the background puckering their collective backsides, to keep from soiling themselves. There is no way that they wanted him to say such a thing.
    It brings to mind so many questions that reflect badly on the current administration, that even the Republicans had not considered bringing it up yet. But now that it is out there, what a fortuitous opportunity for the conservatives to ask some very pointed questions of the Democrats. Such as, just why is there a possible nuclear threat coming from the Russians, when under the former president, Trump, relations with Russia were calm, if not friendly.
    Or, why is the current administration continuing to pump arms and money, and apparently from reports personnel, into the Ukraine, when we have no stated reason for doing so that is to the benefit of our country or our future? When does the U.S. decide that it is time to stop sending arms and money, and also military help in the form of intelligence, to Ukraine?
    What is our response if Russia actually does use limited battlefield nuclear weapons in Ukraine? Is the Biden administration prepared to escalate into the same thing? Does the administration know what that would mean for not just the region but for the entire world, and have they considered such a danger, before the President spoke out on the subject? And if not, will the President seek to back track his words in the very near future?
    I was born in 1960, so I don't have any memories of the Cuban missile crisis. But from my life and what I have seen, the only danger of a repeat of a second nuclear crisis is not because of Russia, but because of our current President and his poor messaging. While Trump was criticized for his social media and the tweets that he loved to post at all hours of the day and night, at times rightfully so, I don't think that any of his words ever brought us close to nuclear war, or even raised the discussion of it.
    The sad thing is, there is nobody in America, if they were to be honest, that would say that Joe Biden is not mentally slipping, putting it mildly. And if we were being really honest, we have to say that he is so far gone, that he is incapable of continuing to remain in the office of president. But then again, we have seen in other cases where the president has been MIA, and his wife has actually run the country, while the president was in the background. I am thinking of both Wilson who had a stroke and FDR who during the last days of his time in office, had Elenore act as his "gatekeeper".

    1. You're still assuming all of this mess isn't being made on purpose.

  6. Pedo pete thinks every time he craps his pants it's a orgasm.

  7. If Germany ever grows a pair and tells nato and the FUSA to fuck off the schadenfrued will be awesome. Hey a man can dream can't he.


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