Saturday, October 15, 2022

Great Idea For A Novel...


 This comment,below, was posted in response to THIS POST at THEBURNINGPLATFORM

Go watch the video presented for context. 


T4C comment:

I have only one wish at present: that a movie be made of what the world would look like if ALL White people, along with all their contributions, were to suddenly disappear from human history.

Movie starts out with showing how things are in the present, dialogue by colored people, Karens, Libs etc about the evils of/Evil White folk…then night comes and in the morning, POOF….all da Crackers and everything they created is GONE. What would that look like? What would be the reaction of all dim coloreds that is left? Would the movie be a drama…or a comedy?


  1. Depending on the season a lot of people in more northern areas would be suddenly freezing in huts.


    1. with bones in their noses. Nemo

  2. Without the contributions of white people, the movie could not be made!

    1. It's early, I'm busy. I declare you the winner!

      Even a serial comic could deliver good reading and visuals...


    2. If only Mel Brooks were still alive...

    3. Mel Brooks IS still alive. He's almost 100, but he's still alive. We need ya, Mel!

  3. Instead of A Wonderful Life, how about It's a Wonderful White.

  4. Just make the movie in present day South Africa and simply report the news. In particular the news that barely leaks out about the rapes and vicious murders.

  5. Dinesh D'Souza already made that movie. It was called, America: A World Without Her.

  6. oh, yeah. funny how after leaving the VA, they had to hire two people to do the work I used to do every day.
    here a fun idea, just stand back and watch them try to do anything,,,
    I had jobs where I had to teach the clown replacing me how to do it ? and the really funny part was they shut the center down 4 months after I left.

  7. Simpsons episode “Life without zinc” sums it up.

  8. I posted all of this to my facebook page. I hope that is OK.

  9. just see a lot of the crap that comes out in media movies and YT lately. we are there.

  10. The elites would be speaking Mandarin , and the melanin-enhanced would be treated like the Uighurs are today .

  11. I'm working on this very concept for a series to be made into an RPG. A new planet is discovered, and the One World Government under the guise of social experimentation, sends an advanced party of white people to it's surface ostensibly to determine if they can survive without conflict apart from the people's of color that now populate the vast majority of planet earth.

    However, the experiment is in fact a ruse for an ironical 'reverse final solution' facilitated in part by traitorous liberal Caucasians and to be carried out by merciless A.I. in order to rid the world once and for all of the white race.

    The series starts with the A.I. bungling this terminal assignment far from earth as our heroes wake up to the threat and lead a rebellion to take over the space craft and lead it to the original extra-terrestrial colonization site!

  12. It would be a black comedy.

  13. Concept is very similar to Ann Rand's Atlas Shrugged, in which all the hard working people escape to a hidden valley in the rockies. Trains don't run on time anymore, factories close, etc.

  14. The real question is what if Western Culture was never brought to the world. People of all colors have embraced Communism, and Fascism. There have been multiple evil dictators who slaughtered and oppressed, dictators from Africa, Asia, Europe, The Americas. The central target of leftist rhetoric right now is White men, capitalism, religious liberty, gun owners, but, it will be Asians soon, because their success under Western values is better than some other races. Then anyone who rejects Marxism will be fair game eventually. Totalitarians oppress everyone, using some as 'useful idiots" until their usefulness is gone then,.....

  15. I think they did. It was Quest for Fire

  16. The answer is Wakanda! Just ask any of the non-melanin-deprived, and they will tell you that without the evil white man oppressing them, they would have discovered all those things and more! What they have is an infinite capacity for rationalization.

  17. Every "ism" that they follow was invented by a white as they enjoy all the benefits of a civilization built by whites.
    The left owns everything after the Long March but still acts like norms they crushed decades ago still oppress them.
    They will turn against and eat their own in record numbers because no one kills more commies than the commies.

  18. The Camp of the Saints

  19. Just an observation in the recent all hands-on deck linemen from many states in Florida after Irma.

    How many were diverse in those crews? A few African-Americans likely the hard-working good neighbor sorts like we have in my area in NH.

    Now picture given linemen's independent nature trying to enslave them as repair crews?

    Picture every state with normal weather issues (let alone a major storm) with NO Willing Linemen to go out in shitty weather and primitive conditions like grid down FL to repair stuff.

    That's going to happen if the illogical progression of pseudo-(anti-White) racism keeps going on.

  20. I installed satellite earth stations and data teleports all over the world. Half of the time it was shitholes you would never want to go to. Those places were occupied by people of color who had a small percentage of citizens that were becoming self aware that they did not need to live like they were in the stone age.

  21. Drama for them, incredible comedy for all the Wyt Pepoo.

  22. To be honest to the movie's premise such a movie could not be made. Because movie technology was INVENTED by white people. Want to know what the world would look like without white people and their contributions? Just go to deepest darkest Africa....where in spite of being GIVEN all our inventions they STILL live like savages.

  23. T'ain't the dindus, it's the white useless idiots and their poc lackeys that would throw a fit. The younger blacks are starting to wake up; 50 years of Democrat promises that never even came close to coming true, much as the Hispanics, and leaving the plantation.

  24. SOMEONE please make de flick!

  25. The real tell here is what happens to black people that go off the reservation not following "the

    Look at the reaction to Kanye West's interview that was aired on Tucker Carlson this past week. They, the press and other blacks, have labeled him as having a psychotic episode because of his stated beliefs.

    This is a guy who built a multi-billion $ music and fashion empire from nothing.

    But now, he's a nut job because he wore a t-shirt stating "White Lives Matter" to a fashion show.


  26. Outer Limits.
    Steve S6

  27. Asians would be in charge mostly I guess. Aside from Asians no other race has discovered much past the wheel. No walls in Africa, No beast of burden in North or South America. Eventually the Americas would run out of humans to sacrifice and natural selection would keep African populations in check though.

    1. Asians? R U Kidding? You mean like the Chinese, Japanese and Indians who either stole or bought from the highest U.S. politicians most all of the tech inventions of WHITE People?

      Just because there's a couple billion of them in the world doesn't make them smart.

      Yes, some of them extended tech and other things into places that hadn't been thought of in the West, still doesn't make them smart.

      Chinese and Indians, can't do one thing well that spells doom for their people. They have a very hard time, every year, even in good years, producing enough food to feed their people.

      One problem among many with the West IMHO, when it comes to tech and other stuff, is once an invention is monetized, the companies formed to make money from the invention seem to lose sight of what brought them to the market place, enabling others to extend their invention, freezing the original inventor/company out of the market.

      Prime example, Apple, after Jobs retired the first time. The people he left in charge didn't have his vision and drive to extend what he built, so he came back, kicked ass, fired a bunch of people, and now Apple dominates all smart phone (read hand held computer) markets world wide.

      Could the Chinese or Indians make something like that from scratch? Doubtful. They could and can steal the design though. That's what they're good at.

      Oh, the Chinese are also good at stealing and adapting virus technology into a bio weapon, then unleashing the weapon on the world, WHILE BEING FUNDED BY the primary country they unleashed the virus on. That's pretty smart.


  28. Do you want mud huts and shit-befouled drinking water?.... Because the absence of wypepo is how you get mud huts and shit-befouled drinking water. Throw in a little voodoo medicine and MAYBE cast iron machetes although, I fear smelting is a bridge too far in this case.

  29. You mean like the coming rescue mission that The Lord is about to make happen? Most Christians call it the rapture, and yes the aftermaths will be terrible. Not a single kind person left on Earth. Think about that. Only liars, murderers, hypocrites, rapists, racists, cheaters, thieves, sadists, and violent of all sorts left all together.

  30. Wanna read a truly awesome blog post on this topic? Here ya go:


    1. Thank you


    2. It's nice to see that **somebody** is finally pointing out the obvious: that all our armies of malcontents express their rage against the exact people who made their lives so soft.


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