Saturday, May 28, 2022

Nailed The Spirit Animals For Sure....








  1. Followed. Genius, his chucky's are funny as well.

  2. Almost makes me wish the Hunger Games would kick off a little early and give these useless wastes of skin something to do with their time.
    Like wondering where their next meal is coming from.

  3. Hell,she can wait until60% have starved out,then the competition for food will be down a bit.

  4. when the hunger games do start up, a lot of us will be laughing at them. it is a wonder why anyone would join the army these days to fight for these assholes. and I thought the clowns who called us baby killers where bad

  5. I believe I saw her at a pro-abortion rally a few weeks back. Good to know she has multiple streams of income.

  6. That just made my day😂
    I laughed so hard that my kids came in to check on me.

  7. Suppose, for political reasons, you wanted occasional mass school shootings so that you could smear your political opponents. You might pass a law legally prohibiting the adults in a school from protecting the children. You could call it the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, and you could claim that the children would then be safe. It would then just be a matter of waiting for the occasional nutcase. Be sure that the law is never brought up in any news reporting.

  8. Wish I could've been there, with a long string of lit Black Cat firecrackers, watching them duck and run.

  9. I just left the NRA gathering an hour ago. The morons were standing behind the barricades haranguing passersby and generally annoying the assembled Po-Po. The meeting was very pleasant and everyone I was in contact with was friendly and pleasant. There was no 'counter protest', we all went about our business and had pleasant day.

  10. To bad a "mass incident" happen to the land whale anf its kind

  11. I see dead people.
    Ohio Guy

  12. Most of those women will never need an abortion.

  13. The contrast between that beached land whale and a walrus is priceless. They show up at every leftist protest of anything.


  14. Can someone please direct me to the NRA member that has perpetrated a mass shooting? I'll wait.....


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