Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Remind Me Again How biden* Won..








  1. He didn't win! It's as simple as that. Every RINO in the country sold Trump out because he's not a politician.

  2. Everybody knows Trump really won the election. The election was rigged in key States to get the Electoral votes (chess game). Biden received more Black votes than Barak Obummer?????????

  3. Ya made me cry, brother.

  4. Geeze-a-loo, I miss our President.

  5. What a great president...What a great country...What a great people....

  6. You need to be reminded?
    I’m more than glad to help!
    Corruption, lying, theft, deceit, wickedness.
    Depravity that took my breath away.
    We must all, now, appeal to the Highest Court. There is no other option.
    It is what our Founders did to overcome tyranny they faced.
    So now must we, their descendants.

  7. You need to be reminded?
    I’m more than glad to help!
    Corruption, lying, theft, deceit, wickedness.
    Depravity that took my breath away.
    We must all, now, appeal to the Highest Court. There is no other option.
    It is what our Founders did to overcome tyranny they faced.
    So now must we, their descendants.

  8. Agreed; great video. We were indeed cheated out of this one. The RINOs were to blame. Yes, the Dems committed the crime, but the RINOs looked the other way like some 3rd world banana republic.

  9. Time to start pushing reinstatement.

    If enough Americans demand it (and they will), Deep State will have to yield.

  10. I don't know who this "no one" is, but I certainly like his post!

  11. I LOVE bans on bump-stocks, getting the guns first and going through due process later, buttsex in Botswana, exponential debt growth, never-ending riots, and the hanging-out-to-dry of your own supporters as much as anybody, but I'm tired.

    You all vote harderer for me, can ya?

  12. "Lay It On The Line" Triumph
    From of all places..... Canada


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