Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Biden administration launching 'door-to-door' push to vaccinate Americans

I imagine some of these social justice warriors who come out and attempt this insanity will get some vaccinating they will not enjoy. 


  1. They will not enjoy the greeting I give them at my door. Nope they will not.

  2. I WANT to see what happens when they come to my neck of the woods! Oh, that'd be a hoot!

  3. C'mon Man! Get your.......you know.............the thing...............I'll be in better shape to talk to you about it, uhm..............I'll tell you what they sent me.........

  4. Diogenes Sarcastica prolly has the best (which mans the worst) take on this. If the stormtroopers do come knocking, then they know who's been jabbed, which proves the fedz ARE spying on the people.

  5. The last door you want to knock on is mine. Just move on and be able to go home that night.

  6. Step on my property to push your experimental drugs?
    I will helpfully donate something hot for you to eat...
    No need to thank me,
    I always keep something hot and ready to share for burglars, BLM activist, and Politicians
    Just doing my part to make this world a better place.

    MSG Grumpy

  7. You get two scoops of vanilla chocolate chip ice cream in a waffle cone if you get the shot! Come on man! Thats a great..oh look...a squirrel!

  8. It will be better people watching than in Vegas.

  9. I have government antibodies just waiting to meet the door knocker...

  10. "Ding Dong!"
    "Who is it?"
    "I'm from the department of health, and I'm here"

    And you can quote me.

  11. Just make sure a SWAT team isn't waiting nearby . . .

    1. Do they like barbecue? I like barbecue...

  12. The MSM is the virus.......

  13. This wont last long if it even gets off the ground.

    2-5 folks are gonna snap. The odds are just to tilted that way. The people they are ...harrassing, do not want the damn thing.

    They may send a cop around with them as..whatever it is he is suppose to represent.

    Just dont ever answer the door. Ever.

    I love watching the door to door people slink away.
    As of today, thats still not a Federal Crime. All in good time.

    Tick To k Tic Tock...
    It aint rocket science.
    Lookin forward to the show. I just hope they dont bury it.

  14. Tell the fuckers knocking on your door that you have a Pb vaccine ready to administer to them if they don't get their commmie ass off your property pronto. Or maybe a vicious dog coming around the corner out of nowhere might be fun to watch.

  15. "Hello. I'm from the fake government and am here to ask you to take a fake vaccine based on fake science to probably not protect you from a near zero mortality flu variant."
    Yeah..makes sense.

    Meanwhile in Spain scientists did an independent SEM analysis of the Pfizer vax.
    Essentially 99% razor blades. Nano particle fragments of sharp graphene oxide. Getting a ripped body takes on new meaning. It will circulate everywhere causing cellular damage and the blood clots etc as we're seeing.

  16. I wrote this post https://thelibertycoalition.org/blog/2021/07/11/is-the-door-to-door-vaccination-push-more-insidious-than-innocent/

    In a nutshell, I have no plans to answer any questions, but I do have questions of my own for any doorknockers. Mostly I wonder if such an effort has a more treacherous purpose.


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