Black Lives Matter Every Day As Black on Black Violence Continues to Rise Around the Country (these acts of violence are from Birmingham, AL this past weekend. The "Magic City" barely trails St. Louis in per capita murder rate) / Where is the outrage?

1 Child and 2 Adults Shot. Read more HERE.
Not an opinion - this is normal societal behavior today, the evidence is overwhelming. It is a common occurrence, 90% of Black murders are a result of Black on Black shootings. I think its sad, I detest our 'leaders' who want to blame Whites or Police while accepting no accountability for personal behavior.
ReplyDeleteThe killing is a never ending cycle. As soon as one of these tragic crimes occur, the "leaders"/clergy in the black community began to change the focus of the narrative from what actually happened to calls for "unity" (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean), "stop the violence" which transforms into "gun buy backs" or demands to keep firearms off the streets, etc. The media not only is complicit in these coverups, but actually perpetuates the commie/leftist agenda and camouflage the root causes of these senseless deaths. The only thing that results from these types of crimes are "unity breakfasts", balloon releases, prayer vigils, and small marches demanding the violence stip. The next morning the cycle starts again with a small headline stating a man was shot and killed, a "child" was injured in a drive-by shooting, etc., wash. rinse, and repeat. While people choose to ignore the real symptoms of this "disease".
Deleteis it just me that sees a pattern ? defund the police. if someone wanted to create say, a federal police force that could enforce whatever political whim that might pop into the heads of TPTB, first you might create a crisis. The crisis would need to be such that eventually the public will cry out for the government to "do something". And that "something" might be to create a federal police force. What better way to confiscate firearms on a mass scale ? Asking for a friend.
ReplyDeleteA Federal Police Force? If you need to know just how bad it can get, look up north at the RCMP in Canada and how they enforce without question every whim of Justin Trudeau/Castro Jr.
DeleteBecause of that behaviour, Back the Blue is pretty much gone there, as no one can afford to trust the Police.
Shhhhhh. Let sleeping dogs lie!
ReplyDeleteDon't forget that this weekend "The City of Brotherly Love" surpassed 200 homicides so far this year. Chicago? Baltimore? St Louis?
ReplyDeleteExactly Jeff C in NC. The truth of this matter is that Birmingham, Alabama doesn't report crime statistics to the FBI. If they did, the would be just barely behind number one St. Louis in per capita murders.
DeleteI think we all know that for a black life to matter, the death must meet certain criteria i.e. they were killed by a white person, especially if it is a white LEO. I see the newscast from Memphrica and it is just like Birmingham, St. Louis, Chiraq, Bulletmore, District of Corruption and all of the other democrat led black cities in the country. Young black men are killing black people on a daily basis and the only outcry is from the family and a few local pastors who want to stop the violence.
ReplyDeleteIf they really wanted to stop the violence, they would stand up and be fathers to the children they create. These "fatherless" young black men who are killing, robbing, raping and generally terrorizing their neighbors are a menace to society, but none of our "leaders" seem to want to do anything about it.
Until something is done about it, expect more black on black crime that is ignored by the major media, while they fan the flames of racism anytime a white cop shoots a black thug.
You said it all brother.
DeleteInteresting comments, as I read all three, one perp/victim description in the information in what I read but yeah.
ReplyDeleteAnd on some occasions, a firefight will 'break out' at the funeral.
ReplyDeleteYunno, to honor the fallen.......make more fallen.