Sunday, April 11, 2021

Getting the vaccine or not? A Poll....

  I have not yet decided on getting the vaccine. My personal take is it's too soon and there is not

enough data on the virus itself let a lone the vaccine. Something that is being pushed so hard

on the public doesn't smell well.  There are a bunch of coworkers and friends that have gotten or 

are scheduled to get it so I will be able to observe how it goes for them. First responders and 

medical workers we know have all gotten the shots. There are no issues that I am aware of.


 As part of my research I happened upon this page that gives the ingredients of the vaccines.

 Hackensack Meridian Health <<  LINK

A Simple Breakdown of the Ingredients in the COVID Vaccines


There have been many rumors flying around on the internet about what’s in the vaccine. Some rumors even suggested that the vaccines contain gluten, wheat, eggs and even bee venom! All of that is simply, untrue.

If you’re among the many wondering “what’s actually in it?” and, “is it safe to receive the injection?”, keep reading. (link above)


 Where do you stand on the vaccine?

If you choose to explain please leave a comment if you have read anything or saw information

 that helped make your decision.



Are You Getting The Vaccine?
Waiting for more empirical evidence


  1. I’m not getting vaccinated. Bit I identify as a vaccinated person.....

    1. Read this Irish and weep. This guy retired from Pfizer just before HE would have been the one working on the gene therapy shots:

      This is an article by Defender. It is a technical read, but since I am learning the lingo more and more, it makes sense to me. Don't give up before you read the section near the end of the article entitled, 'Dollar Signs.'

      I like my DNA just the way it is. I don't need anyone rearranging my DNA like a child's tinker toy.

  2. Replies
    1. I kept looking for that choice on my ballot, but couldn't find it. We're going to need to have a sit down with Irish's Election Czar about voter suppression, ballot irregularities, and whether the count was influenced by the vaccine makers.

    2. That's it.

      Hell No is definitely an option.
      No just means you don't wanna. Hell No means you have actually done some research on this.

  3. I got vaccinated with the Janssen single-dose product on Monday 5 April. I too thought long and hard about getting vaccinated, and consulted with doctors I know and trust: two older brothers with roughly 75 years experience in family practice and emergency room medicine between them. I asked them specific questions about the mechanism of the vaccine and asked them their honest opinions. Both brothers gave the vaccines (all three currently available in the U.S.) their endorsement and encouraged me to get vaccinated when I became eligible due to my underlying health risks of age, obesity, and cardiopulmonary health.

    I noticed a slight headache and a bit of cardiac arrhythmia about 24 hours after getting the vaccine, both of which persisted less than 12 hours. I cannot attribute either specifically to the vaccine, as I have an underlying cardiac condition that sometimes gives me irregular heartbeat. There was no reaction at the injection site, nor any of the other listed possible side effects.

    One of the things that aggravates me most of all is how this disease has become a political issue, as it makes getting reliable data to make an informed decision virtually impossible.

    1. 03/2020, the CDC changed the way they counted China Wuhan Virus deaths and ONLY for China Wuhan Virus deaths.
      Every day we are told that there are 1.21 gigawatts of "new" cases (new case being defined as anyone coughing or farting).
      You are correct about the unknown data.
      I would suspect somewhere after 3-4 fears, "they" will quietly correct the bullshit numbers and it will be proven that this was all just a slight flu season.

  4. The question for those who voted "Yes" is WHY?

    Unless it is a hard condition to keep your job/marriage/Adrenochrome supply, why are you taking part in an experiment drug trial where the manufacturers are free from liability and it doesn't infer immunity.

    1. So I can wear my inoculation cert on a neck-lanyard so all the other inoculated know I am in TheHive?

      That was my guess.
      I suppose somebody better informed can justify a better rationalizing...

    2. Every day the CBP and other officials stop products and drugs that are not FDA approved from entering this country to protect citizens from consuming them but then the same government wants you to take a vaccine that has not been FDA approved. Yea, let that sink in.

    3. The short chicken sh*t answer is I got the vaccine because of work. (otherwise I would not)
      I travel to client's locations, so between Delta Airlines (I am a 1M miler about to boycott them) and potential travel limits, plus the sales pitch 'we are all vaccinated so we can travel to the site BS' I figured I better get the jab. I only would do the J&J one shot. MY 85 yo mother just got her 2nd shot a week ago, I am concerned for her.

  5. not only no but hell no. how can anyone believe anything coming from the liars in the media and gov.

  6. An unknown Gene Treatment NOT a Vaccine by definition especially if you HAVE to DO the same masking-social distancing and all that POST being "Vaccinated". Then the wildly variable information as to it's side effects, Effectiveness and Months (YES Months) it is Expected to WORK until you need another shot around 3-9 months lately.

    All for a Overhyped Disease that for the vast majority of us is over 99% survival rate.

    When my local medical friends were told by their employers (both Hospital and Home Health) that they had to schedule their "Jab" for their days off because too many were taking sick days I said NO "Jab".

    I personally know several Doctors and Nurses that have told me quietly they are not getting it.

    Anything so HARD PUSHED fails to pass the Smell Test. As a bit of a history buff I Remember the Nuremberg trials about Nazi Medical Experiments. Nuff Said.

    But what do I know, I'm just a retired Army medical sort that has Worked in a hospital through Ebola, Avian Flu and all that nonsense over the past 3 decades.

    Happily I have a known condition that allows me to beg off the "Jab" so far.

    1. I also have a condition known as "F#ckyou-itis" that is aggravated by government lies. With the last 4 years of media lies, lack of law enforcement on the ruling class- Biden's f#cked up crack snorting kid that we will never arrest", why would you trust any government opinion or dictates that say you must get the shot? The dweeby totalitarian asshole known as Zuckerberg came out and said that the shot changes your DNA. if a guy with his resource's goes off the reservation and says something like that, you had better think long and hard about not taking the shot.

    2. I also have a condition known as "F#ckyou-itis" that is aggravated by government lies. With the last 4 years of media lies, lack of law enforcement on the ruling class- Biden's f#cked up crack snorting kid that we will never arrest", why would you trust any government opinion or dictates that say you must get the shot? The dweeby totalitarian asshole known as Zuckerberg came out and said that the shot changes your DNA. if a guy with his resource's goes off the reservation and says something like that, you had better think long and hard about not taking the shot.

    3. What you said !!!!!
      Just the simple fact of how hard the Left (Democrats + media + tech tyrants)have tried to control the narrative from day one !!!! Absolutely no dissent is allowed.

  7. robert william oriansApril 11, 2021 at 3:51 PM

    My trust in the medical profession is about the same level as my trust in politicians . The last two times I was prescribed medicine the medicine gave me permanent side effects worse than the problem they were supposed to help . So nope ! Not taking the jab . Sticking with natural alternative medicine .

  8. Given the choice between the "vaccine" and the disease, gimme the 'rona!

  9. I would go to or read the transcript. Definitely a nope for me. None of them.

    1. Thanks for posting. One of the most concise overviews I’ve seen, and I’ve seen A LOT. MartyB

  10. none of your or anyone else's effin' business was not an option..

  11. I'm not happy taking it, but I want to go see my new grandaughter in NJ. New as in a year old already but travel is a nightmare.

    70 and no known health issues and my gut still says to tell them to go to hell, but family prevails in this one

  12. No. Why? Nancy Reagan appeared to me in a dream. I didn't listen to her during the '80s, '90s -- in fact, now is the only time I ever did! "Just say No!"

  13. I raise farm animals. Vaccines save lives. The other thing is that antibodies are modular so even if it is not a complete match for the next mutation there is a good chance the antibodies generated by the vaccine will have partial overlap with what comes next.

    I see it as one part of a portfolio: Good nutrition, exercise, low stress, and stay young as that picture in the attic ages.

    1. If the virus mutates then the neutralizing antibodies can become non non neutralizing antibodies, which has been know to happen in corona viruses. If this happens then because pf Antibody Dependent Enhancement the body's reaction to that subesequent infection would be worse not better, resulting in a cytokine storm. And a worse reaction would occur than other wise would have.


  15. Neat results.

    And to whoever is in North Van, hello from Port Coquitlam!

  16. Nope, no shot for me!
    With my comorbidities, I have a 95.5 percent chance of survival.
    Haven't had a Flu shot in more than 25 years, nor have I had the Flu.

    Winters, I pretty much hibernate, go to the Social Club 2 or 3 times a week.
    The rest of the year, I'm outdoors in the fresh air & sunshine, usually on my motorcycle.

    The only time I wear a mask is for medical testing or Doctor's visits.

    When the topic of Covid comes up on other sites or forums, I ask this question;
    Has anyone ever heard the Government, or the alleged experts say, " Maybe take a Multi-Vitamin,
    get some exercise, get out in the fresh air & sunshine"?

  17. Personal friend if mine is pharmacist who gives you the needle. 1,400 people vaccinated pueblo colo by him. Only one so far dropped. Took 10 minutes for epicene to kick in. While they were waiting for the lady to wake up, they couldn't find her pulse. So the big question for everyone is will you survive the first day? I think 99.99997% survive. My question is what happens when you encounter the virus in the wild afterwards? Time will tell. Has any of the bloggers in the side bars died from corona? Any of the readers? Maybe it's hard to figure out since we don't actually know people for real? My family is leaning hard on me to submit to the beast, which is the exact reason I bristle now.

  18. Tim from EngineeringApril 11, 2021 at 5:22 PM

    Per a recent opinion piece, and in efforts to make amends to the world for all the horrible things I have done to humanity-like get educated, serve my country, work hard, successfuly raise a family, volunteer my time, donate my funds-I pledge to give my vaccine to any POC who wants it or send it to any of the struggling third world countries.

    Keep it simple, stupid: as my house painter said: "Why on earth would I need it? I'm in the sun all day long". Sometimes it is hard not to respect a high school graduate who manages to quickly figure things out. BTW, my doctor is an asshole-haven't seen him in over 2 years.

  19. Per the ingredient list: lipids, to protect the rest of the 'cocktail'. Factoid: the rona virus is an enveloped virus, which means it has a lipid protective coating-sort of like a full body PPE suit the chinese lab workers use-do away with the lipid coating and the virus is quickly de-activated, becomes garbage, and is carried out of a healthy body. The lipid coating is why the simplest of all procedures-washing your hands with soap-is so very effective. Soap dissolves the lipid coating-just like it dissolves bacon grease that you get all over your fingers when cooking Sunday morning breakfast. Some of this ain't rocket science-common sense goes a long way. As one of the frontline doctors at a university hospital says: turn off the damn TV.

  20. No silly, that is what our immune system is for. Turn off the tv talk with friends and pray a lot. For God so loved the world he sent his only Son to die for us, and who ever believes in him shall have eternal life. Spread the Good News!

  21. My wife had covid, a nasty case. Put her in the hospital for a week of Remdesivir and on oxygen, then a week on oxygen at home. My own health isn't bad, but not great either. I got the Moderna vaccine last month.

  22. Not I, someone needs to take care of the Zombies.

  23. Not I, someone needs to take care of the Zombies.

    1. The dogs will come out just fine; cats not so well-there is such a condition as feline coronavirus.

  24. I am NOT an "anti-vaxxer" (had everything up to, and including, rabies shots for pre-exposure immunity...research work) but there's no way I am getting one of these "un-vaccines".

    There is nothing about these that jibes anywhere close to what I learned in the years of getting my MS in Microbiology and Public Health many years ago.

    Phase 3 of vaccine development takes about two years and quantifies "safety" using animal models across multiple cohorts/demographic variances (sex/fertility/pregnancy/age/etc factors). Guess what? These "vaccine's" Phase 3 trials? They are being done on the human population! There is no reliable safety info on them, especially for long-term effects.

    Next.... Did you know that there has NEVER been a successful coronavirus fifty years of effort? (Animal or Human)

    Either they were incapable of generating an immune response (minority of trials) or they did so well at programming the immune system that the over-reaction of the body to coronavirus "in the wild" killed EVERY experimental animal.

    I am pretty sure that I will say "No" with a gun to my head.

    I will be greatly surprised if we are not stacking bodies come the next "Low Vitamin D season" (aka "Cold and Flu Season") and, following that, the slow attrition of mounting auto-immune diseases and blood cancers.

    But maybe I am a crank so there's this:

    And, then there's this...from one of our countrymen:

    1. A couple of Indian researchers advised vaccine makers to target the virus's stem and not the spike, as an effective stem vax would be a single injection with no boosters required. Targeting the stem avoids mutations: mutations form on the spike portion and not the stem portion. Apparently those researchers have now been censored. Go figure.

  25. If God created the Covid-19 virus? Let God's hand guide you.
    If mankind created the Covid-19 virus? Why would you take a mankind made vaccine?

  26. I do not know anyone personally who caught the Wuhan flu.
    My sister works in health care, was required to get the shot last December. Within 10 days she had enormous back pain and cold not move her right leg. Emergency room by ambulance, days of tests, and the only cause they can surmise was the shot.
    She is still on Medical leave, not cleared to drive because her leg is still not fully functional, and worrying about what will be the ultimate result.
    I'd say avoid until some reliable data can be found.

    1. Healthcare workers in a number of places are being treated like shit; I know of several who have upped and quit their job.

    2. I know a lot of people at my former employer who had it the Chinese Virus, some multiple times. With proper treatment early, (hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin) for most, not a problem. For some, about 10% of those hospitalized for it and treated ineffectively with remdesivir, death.

      There are too many unknowns and too many reported instances of severe side effects for me to want to guinea pig this. I am not interested as a career as an experimental animal.

      With regard to all who seek the Light, Historian

  27. Had my check-up day before yesterday and the doctor asked why I hadn't yet been vaccinated. I told him I was just waiting to see if people started growing extra toes or some shit like that and he said that was a perfectly valid excuse.

  28. NO!
    1. The recovery rate for Covid-19 is 97% to 99.75%, so the risk is low. Most people who get COVID-19 will have only mild symptoms.
    2. Most Covid-19 deaths have been among the very elderly (nursing homes) and/or people with existing conditions or compromised immune systems (HIV, AIDS).
    3. The vaccine was rushed through development and approval without time for proper testing and for determining long term effects.
    4. The vaccine is not really a vaccine. It does not contain dead virus which cause you to produce antibodies. It acts on your mRNA to cause your cells to produce foreign protein that would normally be produced by the virus. This is experimental technology with unknown long term effects. It is a form of human genetic engineering.
    5. The vaccine was developed using cells from aborted fetuses. I believe that life begins at conception, so I object to using by-products of abortion.
    6. There are effective treatments for Covid-19 that use drugs that have been used for other things for years (Ivermectin for example)
    7. There have been serious side effects and deaths reported with the vaccine. The drug companies cannot legally be held liable for these.
    8. You are still required to wear a mask after receiving the vaccine.
    9. You can still transmit the disease after getting the vaccine.

  29. My wife is apharmacist. My daughter is working on her PhD studying...viruses, including coronaviruses. Their recommendation is if you are over 50 and fat, or have any other risk factors, go ahead and get Pfizer or Moderna. Skip J&J. If you are young and healthy, you might want to opt out. thing is, Wuhan Flu has some nasty lingering symptoms, to include measurable loss of IQ (not sure for how long) and lung and organ damage. No vaccine is risk-free, and this one has not been around long enough to study any long term effects. Examine your age and health, and decide if the risk of the vaccine is greater than the risk of poor health.

    1. Over 50 and overweight, so maybe I should get the jab.

      But wait, have genetic blood disorder that has caused one life threatening clot on the right lung; hematology experts say I am 80X more likely to get blood clots than 'normal' people. Some supposedly small number of people getting brain clots after getting the jab-some dying. Looked high and low for guidance of any kind for whether people with pre-existing clotting issues should/should not get the jab-have found nothing after searching dozens of times.

      Tie breaker: watching Dr. Fookery routinely flip flop and fail to give honest, up-front answers tips the scale to Not For This Kid. Long past tired of all the BS.

  30. Before I go into this let me say that a vaccination is choice and I am totally against enforcing anything against people who choose not to take it.

    I personally have had 2 co workers die from COVID. One of them had serious health issues and a very low chance of surviving any serious illness but the other was basically healthy. I also know someone who ended up in the ICU for week and two more people for whom it was basically a mild flu for few days. The cashier at a liquor store I sometime stop in at tests positive for COVID but doesn't remember being sick.

    After careful consultation and with recommendation of my Doctors I got the Pfizer vaccine with the second dose mid February. Didn't even feel the first shot, the second made me achy and tired for about a day. Since then I'm fine.

    They bumped me up on the priority list because one lung is only partially functional due to an illness in youth and I don't have much bandwidth to fight respiratory diseases. One time a few years back I went to the ER on a Sunday with bronchitis, asthma, and a sinus infection. I got home the next Wednesday.

    Also, my son is a consultant in the field of medical equipment qualification and validation and has been working on Operation Warp Speed since September so I have some idea what is going on. The idea that they are skipping medical trials is wrong. Operation Warp Speed involves some parallel efforts, re-sequencing operations, and removing roadblocks. To be fair the Pharma companies got some liability relief. He recommended the vaccine and got it as well.

  31. I want to say a flat no, but truth is we're waiting 6-12 months to see how the experimentation phase went for the masses who took the shot. Maybe nothing. Maybe all the problems Dr Cahill warned about. Maybe somewhere between the two. Our way may simply wait it out, but we want to see the effects first before even making a hard yes/no choice.

  32. Not a fucking chance. It's not a vaccine. The manufacturers are liable free. You have a 99.6% chance of surviving the Chinese flu. Strengthen your own immune system with vitamin D, E & C. As well as selenium, zinc and magnesium.

  33. I got the Pfizer after talking with the wife. She has seen me in the hospital twice, first was a large hole in my intestines, second was a heart attack 3 years ago. She wanted me to, so I got it done.

  34. OK, where was the "FUCK NO" choice?

    Whitehall, NY

  35. Nope,
    Got the Antibodies and never felt sick, I will trust to God on this one.

  36. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny..... that's all I need to know.

  37. It is and always was a planned event as verifiable evidence now demonstrates.
    Dated leaked documents referring to Covid-19 before it started spreading, the "build back better" covid repair strategy existed before the spread too.
    Fake and fraudulent covid numbers from inaccurate tests employed in improper ways. Financial incentives to lie about deaths and infections. Threats of job losses and funding cuts unless you tow the government covid line. The list goes on. Hard to explain for any legitimate viral threat.

    Everyone might want to read this article...
    Don't forget this will mutate like most viruses do so you'll see Covid-21, 22 etc along with mandated annual unproven poison injections until around 2025 after which it won't matter any more. The USA will look like Venezuela by then.

  38. Family physician told me not to get it.


  39. As a nurse I was very much against getting the vaccine. As in hell no! But husband works for our state military department in support of the national guard. Our state is drafting up policy concerning the COVID vaccine and he was told they were going to require the vaccine in order to be allowed in the state armories. I wasn’t going to let go through this alone so we both got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine which I felt was the least of the evils. Husband had no problem. He’s USMC vet so he’s tough as nails. For me it was the most painful vaccine I have ever received. And within five minutes I almost passed out. Fatigue the next day and pain at injection site for a week. We didn’t get the vaccine because we are afraid of Covid but because it was going to be required for his work. Same for my son who is an engineer with Was told he wouldn’t be able to travel for work without the vaccine.

  40. I got my Pfizer 1st shot 2 weeks ago. Effects were just exactly like the last 8 Flu shots I've had in the last 8 years - minor muscle aches and fever for one whole day, Jesus H. Christ how I suffered, I'm gonna die. Not.

    You right wing drama queens better decide whether the dreaded covid is a minor flu which your lefty enemies are dramatizing to sucker you (Hint: it is) or a deadly end of the world disease (Hint: it's not).

    Because, if it's not (It's not), the vaccines will be just like what I said - the fucking flu fucking vaccine.

    Grow the fuck up.

    1. Tell us all that liberal nonsense in 6 months you miserable fool.
      Chances are you will expire before Christmas and you deserve it.

      YOU are the reason this country needs to split up.
      WE HATE you LIBERAL SCUM with a passion and when WE are unleashed on your sorry asses, you will regret poking the bear.
      Till then, GFY

      USMC E-7 Ret.


    2. Pravda.......

  41. More breaking info to help you make up your mind:

  42. Too politicized, and too much social pressure from people I don't trust to make me willing to take the shot. Plus, I'm not in a vulnerable demographic, so I simply see no need, and I don't like taking drugs if I don't actually need to do so.

  43. They lie to me, I lie to them! I'll answer that question on a as needed basis!

    1. That's what my sister does, there's no central registry of the injected and she had the virus in the Spring, as did I so she just tells people she had the jab,

  44. Hell NO should have been an option

  45. I’m a police officer in Washington DC. I’m very likely to encounter ppl with CV19. One of the officers I worked with died from this. Two others were in the ICU on vents. I have already received the two part Moderna vaccine.

    1. I have a friend with the National Guard. His unit was deployed in DC in February. Half of the unit came down with Covid. He was treated with Ivermectin. The virus was wiped out within 24 hours. He said he had two subsequent doses but they were not needed as far as he was concerned.

  46. Just one question for all of those that have taken the jab,,,,what are the long term effects? I’ll patient wait for your responses.


  48. Just as I have always said, this website is just a lame whining blog, and this article proves it, you are slowly but assuredly inching towards acceptance of this vaccine, and here is the kicker, the vaccine is not the worst part of what is going on! The worst part is the totalitarian manner that is being used to coerce people into getting the vaccine and what will happen to them if they do not! So either get a backbone and stand up for liberty or shut up!

    1. "vaccine is not the worst part of what is going on!"

      Its part of the control mechanism. They wont need guns and tanks. Once you are "inoculated" you are slave, your new Masters will only need to disperse "part B" and pacify an area.

    2. Jump you fucker, you go first I will be right behind you.

    3. Once you have been given the shot you're going to ned booster shots for the rest of you life to deal with the variants of the virus spike protein that are just different enough from the strain you were originally injected with other wise the new strain will use the older antibodies which are rendered non neutralizing will be used to attack the immune cells. This will be the perfect way to create a completely compliant population. Booster shots will be rationed, and only the people who fall in line will get them, imagine the power that will give to Obama and Biden.

  49. I work for an air ambulance company. The yahoos running things have knuckled under to the entire spectrum of political BS pressure and basically “required” the flight medics & pilots to get vaxxed. I’m a mechanic working on airplanes that transport covid positive patients occasionally. So far, it’s an option for us ground guys. Only a few have had it done. If they decide to make it a mandatory part of the job, they’re gonna need at least one new wrench. I need neither the hassle nor the job. As far as travel? There’s a very damn good reason I live in the Frozen Freakin’ North of Alaska and don’t go anywhere.

    1. This is something I've gone through as a responder and cannot figure out. In certain professions you can be replaced at the drop of a hat, not so 1st responders and medical people. There aren't enough trained people now, and considering it takes anywhere from 6 months to 5 years to train a replacement, what's the plan if responders walk? Responders are already overworked. If just a few people leave the overtime and stress piles up fast and your responders end up needing more breaks or they burn out, resulting in even more lost capabilities. And this is everyone. Larger departments can absorb a few quitting but far less than most realize. But what about volunteer depts? 70% of all responders are unpaid volunteers. What's going to happens of the states and feds require a vaccine to volunteer. One of two things will happen; they tell tptb to pound sand or the dept ceases to exist. -It's really a case of 'fire me if you dare'. If a responder doesn't want a vaccine why on Earth would they capitulate. They might get fired but it's just as likely (maybe even more-so in specialized field a la flight medicine) that the eggheads at the top would be forced to reconsider.

  50. NO, its not a vaccine. Nothing about the Covid-19 makes any sense, except now that we have over a year of this BS is that its about POWER and CONTROL. Why do we need a vaccine when Covid is 99.9% survivable, its a flu bug, we do not shut the country down over flu or pneumonia.

    If you take it, you cannot get it out, you are screwed for life.......

    1. If vaccination works, why do we need a mask??

      If masks work, why do we need vaccinations??

  51. This "vaccine" is NOT FDA Approved, it is being distributed under some emergency powers thing from the FDA. You cannot sue the Governments(Fed,State.Local) or any of the Pharma companies, total get Out of Jail Free Card. What does that tell you?????

  52. Why risk a vaccination that is EXPERIMENTAL, has a MASSIVE amount of complications compared to almost ALL other vaccines for a disease that HALF of the country was NEVER at risk of contracting and for the other half the survival rate is about 99.7%. The vaccine makers were granted SPECIFIC IMMUNITY from liability for this vaccine...that in and of itself is an ENORMOUS red flag. Is there a small subset of people at risk from this virus? Yes. Should they be vaccinated? The truthful answer is WE DON'T KNOW. For some who are at risk the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus...and for others the vaccine will protect them from the virus. The problem is science CANNOT tell who belongs in which group till AFTER they are vaccinated and either are well or suffer massive sequelae. The very simple truth
    regarding this and indeed ALL medical treatments is decisions are or SHOULD be based on Risk Versus Benefit. And for
    this virus the Risk from being vaccinated far outweighs the Benefit.

  53. The Gardasil "vaccine" for HPV passed ALL of it's clinical "trials" and still gave my daughter cervical cancer in 3 months and killed her in less than 3 years.
    She died 8 days after her 20th birthday and on Christmas Eve of 2013.
    She was beautiful, smart, funny, tough, happy, girly and determined.
    Jessica is missed by many.

    I served from 1978-2003 in multiple theaters, so I had lots of VA "vaccines" and stuff, but since 2009, over 50,000 girls in the USA have been harmed or killed by Gardasil.
    You think that I will EVER let someone "vaccinate" me again, with anything, regardless of any "social" ramifications? NOPE.

    The Corona Hoax is a planned depopulation event.
    I will pass.
    Carry On,


    1. I am saddened by your loss will pray for all your family. Thank you for your service.

    2. Thank you sir.
      Much appreciated.
      best to you and yours,

  54. Given that:
    -There are significant serious side effects with every manufacturer's version;
    -This approach has never been tried in humans before;
    -Manufacturers have NO liability;
    -There are moral implications in using material derived from aborted human fetuses to make this vaccine;
    -There has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine;
    -These experimental substances were not tested WRT immunity but only for reduction of symptoms;
    -There are known cheap, safe and effective treatments (synthetic quinine and Ivermectin);
    -There is potential for antibodies from this vaccine making infection MORE severe;
    -There is serious concern about widespread female infertility induced by this vaccine;
    I elected to avoid being a guinea pig.

  55. The most common sense description of the situation that I've heard is the following:

  56. Okay so before commenting I saw, or browsed your "I may have to give it up" post. Please do NOT! Speaking only for my self, I could use more of your tongue in (her) cheek stuff, not less. None would be devastating!

    So I said 'NO'! I will not take this vaccine for several reasons. As I see them as all more or less equally valid reasons, I'll list them in no particular order.

    Generally speaking, I do not do flu vaccines because I feel they often are only moderately effective at best. They are derived from the "best guesses" of scientists who "think" these are the ones that will be most prominent this time around. Additionally, even when they are right, they cannot prevent mutations resistant to the antibodies formed by they vaccine. In short, vacs are a crap shoot.

    These vaccines were rushed through normal processes so even normal testing was at best, cut short.

    The virus isn't all that anyway.

    There are effective treatments and even prophylactic treatments available.

    The concept of crowd immunity makes a good deal of sense to me and is antithetical to the vaccination approach.

    And finally, I simply refuse to give in to the current hysteria.



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